Saturday, October 11, 2008

What To Say At An Aa Aniversary

technology aprilia

Cotesto è lo Scarabeo, il nostro mezzo di locomozione in quel di Brisbane. Della macchina ne facciamo volentieri a meno. Ottimo per evitare le code di macchine, oggetto cult per gli australiani, che sovente ci salutano o strombazzano allegramente, un po' meno adatto al trasporto di oggetti ingombranti e ai viaggi sopra i 20 km, ma ci adattiamo.

Wedding Cake Game Over

feed for turkeys

Il bravo Vincenzo comprò un cubo di semini per uccelletti. "Tutti i chiassosi pappagallini e gli uccelletti variopinti verranno a mangiare qui e potrò fotografarli a mio piacimento" pensava tra sè e sè sfregandosi le mani...
But the days passed and the cube remained intact.

Finally one day he realizes that Vincent is missing a corner of the cube. And the day after another corner and the next day is still nearly half. "I did not notice when the birds came to eat, I apposterò see." But is the ignorant
Lucia, facing the window, he discovered the terrible mistake: the fluttering birds and parakeets are elsewhere, is a wild turkey, gray and smelly to enjoy the free meal. Not remains to photograph the witnesses to a criminal incident.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Dollar Tree Baby Shower Items

The route

A gift to my grandfather and my family. Follow the link to a video on my grandfather Vincenzo.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Fs: Mesa Boogie Formula

Conclusion Indoor Championship

And this is done. Last Saturday we played the final of the torneino mixture of indoor soccer at the University of Queensland. What a beauty! It was like being back in the days of gabions. Kicked in the shin and side rails included! With a decisive intervention
Italic, the team took home the coveted prize: a certificate and a fantastically original Australian plastic beer mug with embossed UQ. What else? For once that happens, it gives some satisfaction!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Trasvestis Con Trasvestis

stuff food in Italy

We come to the point. You know the buffalo mozzarella, the straciatella Puglia, Parma ham, Morellino di Scansano and peppered mussels? Forget all that. This is the realm of Food Court: The lowest floor of Shopping Centers is dedicated to fast food, from Australia Mc Red Rooster, from kebabs to Chinese (my favorite: P) are all little and of poor quality. Sconsigliatissima the pizza, usually a mixture containing lard seasoned with garlic and yet sweet sauce, cheese, olives and pineapple as a minimum. If you want to add pepperoni (spicy salami) or other monstrosities.
Luckily on Saturday local market is the with fruits and vegetables in season: bananas, mango, avocado are the order of the day, and strange things green and white Chinese naturalized and cultivated by the use of which we ignore .
Our recipe for survival? The kitchen-do-it-yourself and the Thai restaurant downstairs. Maybe the Thais do not agree, but let them to Italian restaurants in the area.
A word of warning: never touch those who at first glance may seem chestnuts. Macadamia nuts that are always hijacked on their terrible figure!
And bon appetit!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Momentum Metal Cores Green


not have time to dissipate the jet lag, which we took back in Australia . Patience. We have done just in time to eat a bit 'to crush with raw and mozzarella (mmm. .. watering!), Take a cold, have breakfast with hood, and a little piece and greet' with friends and family. And then, before the return of Berlusconi. So here are some pictures. That Casciana who had it all together?

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Can I Use Aunt Jemima Instead Of Bisquick

2008 Lamington National Park

The most beautiful natural park of Queensland EVER! Filled trenches, life forms, geological features, falls headlong, vegetables such as Brush Box, Araucaria and Watkinson's Fig, lianas sleeping giant stones on the path. And even a leech! Since
campsites in the park were overflowing with customers, we've been in the nearest town (50km), Canungra the laughing! Favorite destination for Australians over 60 riders.