Tuesday, June 23, 2009

How To Replace Lock On Truck Box


Nothing of the master is to burn, can like it or not, but all his works are part of a life dedicated to art, a life spent in art, his. As the work of the 50s of the period of the Attic Macabre, not appreciated by all as the brilliant works of the 60s onwards, the period surfant. Those are the 50 jobs that may well stand a comparison, because, even if it is another type of painting, it is a genuine painting, more immediate in the sense that the execution but still manages to give the right to emotionally charged the observer. There are nude studies that are done to perfection, nothing is out of place, and date of each stroke surge senza aggiungere o togliere qualcosa al lavoro finito. Alcuni con colori violenti quasi a ricordare dipinti espressionisti, con linee dure a spezzate, altri tanto delicati come il ritratto a Dina, dove una luce sembra accarezzarle il volto che sprigiona un innocente giovinezza. Tavole con colori abbinati in modo manieristico e certamente piĆ¹ materici come il "Brindisi in Cielo" dove il Maestro immortala un momento di raffinata allegria nello studio dell'amico Abacuc, denominato appunto "Cielo". Ritratti di giovani modelle e amiche ma anche di gente che Alessandri incontrava nelle piole della vecchia Torino come "Gina la scraciuna" o personaggi bizzarri quali "Cup il muto" o "Il venditore di noccioline" che bazzicava al Baloon. E non solo, in quegli anni Alessandri portrayed friends and fellow painters who frequented the attic of Death as the young Aschieri. What is striking in the soul it is these characters sometimes disturbing sometimes if we can be uncomfortable as the painting of a prostitute, but the beauty of those works of the '50s is its immediacy and simplicity that airway without a careful and studied research, so to give a time or better to capture those curious characters who were part of a company that long-gone but still if we look for are still present. Those under 50 are early works of course, but that line already the artistic talent of the Master. The irony was not lacking in those years already, Azalea and retract dupie CIAP is an illustration. A period that has grown artistically so that due consideration is to be taken, then satisfying us with its subsequent picture cycles gradually become more elegant, but in fact without the years of youth could not exist and we could not enjoy it !
Opera entitled: PORTRAIT IN RED DINA BACKLIGHT (51.8).

Opera entitled: TOAST IN THE SKY (57.30).

Opera entitled: STUDY FOR A PORTRAIT Aschieri (53.43)


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