Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Mac Vba Cheats Pokemon Crystal

cake with yogurt and berries fruit tart

Here is another fresh and excellent summer cake!
One of those who disappear from the preparation in 5 minutes ... easy and fast, especially without using the oven in this heat ... that you can not turn on!
This is the classic cake cool allo yogurt "simil Cameo" per l'ho preparata con yogurt ai frutti di bosco e decorata con frutti di bosco freschi ma ovviamente potete preparare la vostra versione preferita...utilizzando il vostro yogurt preferito e decorandola con qualsiasi cosa! Libero sfogo quindi alla vostra ecco qui la mia ottima versione!


  • 200 gr di biscotti (io utilizzo sempre le digestive ! il miglior biscotto per questa preparazione!!!)
  • 500 gr di yogurt ai frutti di bosco (io utilizzo il Muller perchè adoro il suo gusto dolciastro e less acid than other yogurt)
  • 250 ml of fresh cream
  • 60 grams of butter (you can put a little 'more' ... 80-100g ... but I prefer not to exceed with calories! the result is still excellent and you can take ua second slice without too much guilt!)
  • 3-4 tablespoons of icing sugar (more 'or less depending on your personal taste! if you use a yogurt Muller already sweet as it just 3 tablespoons low! if you use another yogurt place a bit 'more' of sugar!)
  • gelatin sheets (known as isinglass) about 10 grams (5 sheets)

for decoration:

  • berries (raspberries and blueberries)
  • to taste 2-3 tbsp water and 1 tablespoon sugar


  • crumbled, with the help of a mixer, biscuits and add the softened or melted butter and mix well the mixture (1 photos )
  • line a 24 cm cake tin with baking paper (better if opening! lining both the bottom and sides with a crawl of paper ... do not struggle to remove the cake from the pan once cold! ) and pour the mixture of cookies and butter in the center (photo 2 ) level and crushing thoroughly with the help of a spoon (3 photos) and put the pan in the meantime, with the base of biscuits in the refrigerator
  • put the gelatine to soak in cold water for about 10 minutes (4 photos ) and in the meantime, whip the cream with icing sugar ( the cream must be very cold please! so montera 'more' easily! ) with the electric whisk or in the planet (6 photos ) - Hold on Part 2 tablespoons of cream that will not mount in the next step!
  • put on the fire a pot with 2 tablespoons of cream and heat without letting it boil ... once hot remove from heat and add the gelatin squeezed and let it dissolve for good (5 photos )
  • pour the yogurt into a bowl and aggiugetevi the mixture of cream and jelly is still hot (otherwise it will make 'lumps!) running quickly with the help of a spatula or whisk - 7 photos
  • then add the whipped cream ... with movements from the bottom upwards to disassemble ( photos 8-9) and pour the mixture into the pan so obtained on the basis of biscuits (10 photos ) and put your cake in refrigerator to harden for at least 3-4 hours

Now for the decoration will complete 'your cake once cold and solidified ...

  • in un pentolino mettete 2-3 cucchiai d'acqua e aggiungete 1 cucchiaio colmo di zucchero semolato...mettete sul fuoco e quando lo zucchero sara' ben sciolto aggiungete una manciata di lamponi ( foto 11 )
  • lasciate cuocere sul fuoco circa 7-8 minuti fino ad ottenere una salsa densa ( foto 12 ) che farete raffreddare un pochino
  • tirate fuori dal frigorifero la torta, versatevi al centro la salsa ( livellatela con l'aiuto di una spatola ) e decorate a piacere con della frutta fresca... io, per esempio, ho delineato il contorno della salsa con dei mirtilli freschi!

the next recipe! ;-)



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