Sunday, October 18, 2009

Black Nike Greco Supreme

No racist, I also have a black friend Hans

that liking those two builders who are making up the front of my building. They are called Said and Dumitru, respectively, a Moroccan and a Romanian, squeezed by four pounds.
Since I heard on TV the other night of the tragic robbery villa can not help but think about it. The only thing they could to distract me last night was the wife of China's first floor, which has brought me a cake made by her. I thanked her so much, I was very happy. As soon as I closed the door I headed straight to the trash and I threw away the cake. We know that the idea of \u200b\u200bhygiene in China.
While I went to yoga class this afternoon I stopped an African boy, very nice, and told me about these books of poetry and the situation in his country. Sometimes I think I'm really lucky, and we should do more for Africa. Less for these gypsies I smear the glass of the car at the traffic light in the morning, always in the same light.
But I will go to America, the great dream, there is completely different, the streets are huge and people are more open. I met an American girl, she preferred to Europe, says that the people here are better, because it is in contact with things better. Even the city, so full of history, art, culture, are better. In Europe, certainly in the rest of Europe. Everywhere you go everything worked, except here. In Europe forward.
Tonight I'll be out to dinner, ethnic cuisine. Then I'll be at Festival cinema Indiano. Poi questo fine settimana, massaggi Shiatsu e Concerto fusion.


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