Sunday, October 4, 2009

Wedding Decoration Ideas In Silver And Brown

L'uomo che vedete nel video si chiama Hans Jurgen Weber. Per chi negli ultimi anni ha frequentato le strade di Firenze è un viso noto. Hans è un clochard tedesco che viveva fino a qualche settimana fa in Via dello Sprone, una via che sbuca in Piazza della Passera, proprio dietro Palazzo Pitti. Passava il suo tempo su questo muro, seduto nella rientranza

(scorcio gentilmente concesso da street wiew di google maps).
È un uomo che ha girato il mondo, conosce molto Italy well from personal experience. Moving in this way was possible to run in his encounters and can have long conversations. It is indeed a very cultured man, he spent his days reading nell'agolo street that he had chosen. What you saw was a man encountering biblical beard surrounded by piles of books and newspapers, as well as some cardboard.
time ago was over the newspapers for a bizarre story: he had received a letter inviting him to pay the fee and the fee Rai showed he enjoyed the newspaper page and cut out laughing telling the story.
quiet, pleasant, nice, intelligent, Hans seemed loved by the neighborhood. I have seen, according to chat with him, that people passing brought him gifts, a beer, a newspaper, with all - at least apparently - felt sympathy. For its appearance has often posed for painters to the sacred representations. The day I met him he showed me a catalog of the Florentine Academy in which there were several paintings in which he had laid. He used to tell many of his experiences, opinions, adventures, travels, and his human relations. For the case long ago I came across a book of photographs by Matthew Losciale, a photographer of Manfredonia (Fg), entitled Manfredonia and the Gargano, in which a photograph was taken from the name Madonnaro The young Hans. The caption described him as "artist pilgrim." This proof of the fact that Hans was truly a tireless traveler.
The magazine "The Malpensante" in the next issue will publish an excerpt of an interview conducted this year by Stephen Rubeo and Marco Pieraccini, a few months before he disappeared Hans (the video you see is made from them). Recently, in fact, one evening, I met a friend for a drink, I noticed that Hans has disappeared from the place where it spent most of his time and that the wall has been applied to a gate. No trace of him for now, no longer located in any street of the city, we shot a lot since then without him. Actually I'm not looking, and maybe it's just a few blocks later he is reading as usual, are just naturally curious to know what has happened to, and my hope is well, it is still a man who perhaps did a lost cause for life.
gave me a book, "Adults with reserve" by Edmondo Berselli, I have not opened (I've only tasted) and Hans had invited me to read with enthusiasm, speaking as a book not to be missed. In these pages will remember that evening and the speeches of the past always looking discussed by Hans.


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