Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Polaris Xtra 10 Rear Suspension

GIANDUJA BY PUPPET A symbol of Piedmont.

Voglio segnalare la mostra ‘Gianduja, da burattino a simbolo del Piemonte’, curata da Alfonso Cipolla.
In esposizione rarissimi documenti d'epoca tratti dalle collezioni dell'Istituto per i Beni Marionettistici e il Teatro Popolare: dai manoscritti di Giovan Battista Sales e Gioacchino Bellone, gli inventori di Gianduja, a marionette, cimeli, stampe, disegni, tavole originali per riscoprire la precisa funzione storica d'una maschera ormai dimenticata.
Vi sono anche tre opere grafiche del Maestro ALESSANDRI
Library of the Piedmont Region
via Confienza 14
from June 7 to September 15
hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 to 13:00, 14:00 to 16:00
Admission free.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Wishing Well Wording 21st

What's better than a fresh fruit tart? Summer allows us to use a lot of great results ... and create, why not a beautiful cake and cheerfully decorated in bright colors! This is why my pie ... with pictures step by step the decoration will be 'very simple and you'll look great ... because the eye wants its part!

for the pastry (I used a cake pan of 26 cm): 340g flour, 180g of butter, 135 grams of sugar, 3 egg yolks, 1 / 2 teaspoon of vanilla extract, a pinch of salt

for cream: 1 / 2 cups milk, 4 tablespoons sugar, 2 egg yolks, 2 tablespoons flour, 1 / 2 vanilla bean or Alternatively, the peel of 1 / 2 lemon

for decoration ... fruit! (See detail below)

1 packet of jelly cake (you can also use only half '... the entire dose is really too much and I always throw away a little bit!)

  • Prepare the pastry ... in a blender mix sugar and flour, add egg yolks and the cold butter, diced ... once that the compound will be sandy mix it with your hands (I recommend it ... for a very short time! the pastry is worked very little !)... then cover the dough with plastic wrap and store in the refrigerator to rest for half an hour ...

  • ... prepare the custard into a bowl, beat sugar, egg and flour and slowly add the warm milk (previously heated half vanilla bean ... or the zest of half a lemon) ... and put everything on fire ... stirring constantly with a wooden spoon until it reaches the boil, and then the desired consistency (the vanilla bean and lemon zest then removed from the infusion will be used!)
  • stretch now the pastry (I, as a photo , help me with a rolling pin to roll it out by putting the pastry between two sheets of parchment paper ... so you do not attack and will be more 'fetch it easy to place into the pan)
  • position now the pastry into the pan previously greased and floured (I use a cake pan opening and position it on the bottom oven paper ... so it will be more 'easily remove it from the pan and sicumente not attack!)

  • the crust will also form an edge the sides (so when the stretch calculated to draw a circle a little more 'off the cake that you will need to be just the edge) ... cut the edge of "balance" with a knife or a serrated wheel (as I did) and prick the bottom with a fork grains (2 photos )

  • placed on the pastry a bit 'of baking paper to fill it with dried beans or rice (it will not to inflate the tart in cooking) - 3 photos

  • bake at 180 degrees (preheated oven) for about 20-25 minutes until your crust is cooked through and lightly browned ( 4 photos )
  • get yourself a little 'fruit to make a choice ... I've used this decoration 3 peach halves in syrup , about 250 grams of strawberries and kiwi 3 and cut as in the photo (left half of the whole fish, cut the strawberries into thin slices and kiwi slices first and then divide each slice into 4 pieces and ... let dry a little fruit on paper towels!
  • wait for the crust and cream to cool and then started with the composition ... fill the bottom of the tart with the pastry ( photos 1)

  • first place peaches (sufficiently spaced) - 2 photos

  • placed the sliced \u200b\u200bstrawberries around each fishing (3 photos ) to form the petals of your flowers ... even overlay some slices (so will have 'an almost 3D and not flat)

  • all spaces are completely filled with pieces of kiwi ... will be the "green" backdrop to your "flowers" of fruit (4 photos )

  • prepared gelatin as instructed on your bag (in a pot, add 3-4 tablespoons of sugar and 250ml water Bring to a boil and let cool for a few minutes ... ...) and pour it on your cake with the aid of a spoon (5 photos )

  • let the pie rest for a few hours in the refrigerator before serving ...

;-) the next recipe! Roby

ps: the recipe for the pastry is to Valentina Gigli has already been tried for the preparation of chocolate and ricotta tart really good! The consistency of the crust is superb ... just right crumbly and buttery enough ... well ... try it! :-)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Real Housewives Of Orange County Swimsuits

3 months ...

already three months have passed since the birth of our Tommy ...
and here it is ... with his jumpsuit ... Super Brat!
3 challenging months ... three months of sleepless nights ... past 3 months to watch him grow day by day ... and that tiny child of only 2.1 kg it now touches almost 6! I would say a good goal!

is magic ... and now meet his eyes and steal a smile ... it's magic to watch him end up sleeping sweetly ... has discovered the magic moment after moment as quell'esserino we have changed our lives and filled our days of ecstatic happiness ...
and even though sometimes they are tired ... exhausted from sleep and frantic rhythms that alternate feeding / changing / walking / nanna...mi enough to meet his eyes to feel my heart burst with joy!

Christmas my puppy ...

Obviously every excuse to celebrate with a beautiful cake!
... this is the fruit tart I did for him ... uh ... uh ... maybe I should say for us!

public in the coming days ... the recipe and step by step procedure for decoration! see you soon then!

mother Roby

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What Kind Of Condom Is Blue

Diced Chicken Kebab

a magazine I bought some 'time ago ... called "meatballs and meatloaf ... now I was kidnapped by the recipe for this warm and soft pieces of cheese. .. delicate, delicious as a side dish rather neutral taste may well accompany a meat or be accompagnati da una bella insalatina...non so ancora se piaceranno al mio bimbo (ha solo 3 mesi :-)) ma quando sarà piu' grande sicuramente glieli preparerò volentieri...

Ingredienti per 2-3 persone:

  • 250gr di ricotta romana o di pecora (con quella di pecora saranno sicuramente più saporiti!)
  • 1 uovo
  • 40 gr di parmigiano reggiano grattugiato
  • 20 gr di pangrattato
  • 1/2 scalogno (o cipolla)
  • farina qb
  • olio extra vergine d'oliva qb
  • sale qb

facoltativo nella ricetta originale c'era un pizzico di peperoncino and 2-3 sprigs of mint (certainly well prepared will have a stronger taste and unique! maybe try this variation!) .

chili .. of course be skipped if this dish will be devoted to the children ...


  • Peel the shallots, wash, dry, chop finely and let it simmer in a nonstick frying pan with 1 tablespoon oil and 1 of water (1 photos). Bake uncovered for 5 minutes at low heat, make possible comparative evaporate the liquid formed, and let cool.
  • Mix in a bowl the ricotta, Parmesan cheese, egg, breadcrumbs, a pinch of salt (optional pinch of red pepper and chopped mint leaves) and shallot (2 photos ) until the mixture is as homogeneous as possible and lilscio (3 photos).
  • form many round balls the size of a walnut (picture 4 ) in the flour (5 photos ) schiaccciatele slightly and making a small indentation in the center with your finger (picture 6 ).
  • Arrange the pieces aligned on plate lined with parchment paper (7 photos ), sprinkle with 2-3 tablespoons of oil (8 photos ) caled and cook in the oven at 200 degrees for about 15 minutes ...

and enjoy! :-) Roby

Monday, June 7, 2010

Public Masterbation Train



He has just finished painting un ritratto molto impegnativo, di una persona alla quale ha fatto la corte per lungo tempo, perchè lo intrigavano il tipo fisico e le caratteristiche del volto.

Si sta rilassando, l'impegno grosso per il momento è finito, seduto su una vecchia seggiolaccia sgangherata che però non cambierebbe con nessun'altra, perchè rappresenta il suo trono da pittore fantasmagico.
Lorenzo, pizzetto pepe e sale, ha adesso voglia di parlare del suo periodo "liberatorio", passato per lunghi periodi in Tibet.
"Ho cominciato ad abbandonarmi ai sogni e mi sono messo a girare l'Europa per cercare qualcuno che riuscisse a dare una giustificazione a quello che dipingevo...". Riprende il filo di un discorso che, con tutta probabilità, ha fatto solo con se stesso....
E perchè dovevi giustificare? "Perchè mi sembrava di voler pretendere di vivere a sbafo nei confronti della nostra Società volevo trovare un critico, almeno in Europa che confermasse che quanto dipingevo era corretto rispetto alle mie idee...".
Insomma volevi trovare qualcuno che trovasse un senso in ciò che tu dipingevi e.... l'hai trovato?
"Non ho trovato nessuno" gli occhi di Alessandri cominciano a roteare con un brillio tra l'arguto e l'attonito "abbiamo girovagato tre anni, io ed i miei amici pittori, e come sempre ho avuto una sfortuna nera...".
"Ti voglio raccontare due episodi in particolare, che testimoniano la cornucopia di sfortuna che mi ha seguito in quel periodo. Il primo è questo: nel 1964 riesco ad avere un appuntamento con uno dei più grandi galleristi di Parigi, Monsieur Carrè, perchè un amico del figlio, proprietario di una galleria di surrealisti "minori" aveva visto ed apprezzato le mie "bambole". Un consulente di entrambi le aveva viste e proposto l'appuntamento da Carrè. Puntuale arrivo alle 17,30 per incontrarmi col grande vecchio. Galleria incantevole; tutta tappezzata di moquette bianca. Grande emozione sia per l'ambiente che per l'attesa Carrè senior arriva dopo ben quattro ore, infuriato come un bufalo ferito; non si presenta in galleria e si dirige now in its offices. He had just lost a case for a painting by Bonnard, the court had given him wrong, ordered to pay $ 200 million.
I have never seen the face of Monsieur Carre! ...
Second episode: finished the period of the "dolls", I make the portraits "double" of the models in Indonesia (65/66). Colosimo Peter writes an article where you surprised that "Alexander did not paint the hair ...". I call the brother of Cardazzo to make me an offer. Join him in Milan. Find the idea of \u200b\u200bportraits "double" fabulous, lavish praise. I'm like the clipping of this gallery Cardazzo was a bit far from my type of painting (Capogrossi, Hartung ...). Niente da fare. Cardazzo mi chiede di dipingere altri 6 quadri doppi per esporli negli USA.
Torno a casa tutto infervorato e... non ne dipingo nemmeno uno! Anzi, da quel momento non ho più avuto voglia di fare ritratti "doppi"!... Grandissima occasione persa, ma sono fatto così!
Torniamo un attimo indietro; hai poi rinvenuto chi ti desse fiducia? "Si, è successo nel 1964 con la galleria d'Eend (dell'anitra) in Olanda, nella parte vecchia di Amsterdam, chiamata così perchè sotto la casa c'era un comando della resistenza, che era il fulcro di molte manifestazioni. L'anitra era il nome del gruppo della resistenza.
Comunque questa vecchia galleria mi fa credito e prepariamo insieme una mostra che ebbe grande successo. Da qui una serie di mostre, sempre attraverso l'"anitra", in combinazione con gallerie francesi e americane. Da quel momento ho cominciato a vendere.
Ma tu, Lorenzo, hai mai conosciuto la "fame"?
"Anche nei momenti più difficili, mai fatta la fame. Ho sofferto invece la mancanza di dolci durante la guerra".
Ma quali dolci ti mancavano?
"Il dolce per eccellenza, il trancio pasquale, quello col cioccolato ed i canditi; quello è il "delirio". Potrei suicidarmi, mangiandone finchè muoio".
Raccontami un episodio sull'argomento "fame" durante la guerra.
"In quel periodo ero volontario nell'Ordine di Malta. Era un servizio per civili colpiti da causa di guerra. Vitto uguale a quello dei tedeschi. Ho mangiato per quasi un anno riso bollito, birra eccezionale e pane schifoso (apparentemente bianchissimo senza sale che, se non mangiato subito diventava gesso) e pastasciutta sempre scotta. Oltre a patate e cavoli più pasta d'acciughe tedesca che sembrava una pomata di pesce marcio.
Quando ero in libera uscita, andavo a comprare del cioccolato in carta bleu, che era tutto finto, persino l'involucro. La stagnola era stampata con colore alluminato e nel cioccolato c'era di tutto fuorchè cacao e zucchero. Mi ricordo ancora gli ingredienti: fecola di fish, almonds, no sugar. A crap like that then cost so dear, about half a pound. And I, every morning, eating the "stuff", I imagined eating real chocolate.
After the war ended he returned to Corso Vittorio, I bring that craving for chocolate: a morning walk past the windows of Pfatish and there I see a clearing of "gravel", as we call the real dark chocolate chips. Well, I entered the shop and I bought everything, the whole window !.... When asked by the seller if my request is for a gift, I replied curtly: "No, that's me."
course in the evening I had a terrible colic that made me "out" all but I'd taken the will.
It's true that all good things are beautiful or fascinating or sin or crime, or are hurt or are others ...".
But as you like chocolate?
"What dark , which I love, that's fine with everything, with cherry jam, with that of bitter orange, even with gorgonzola white. I recommend it to everyone. To me this passion was born during a gypsy with two "morose" in Limone Piemonte. We were all three very hungry and tried there the wonders of the marriage of chocolate and gorgonzola.
Is there anything else that makes you go crazy like chocolate?
"Yes, indeed More and mayonnaise. My last girlfriend knew how well the
...". Why this love for mayonnaise?
"Why no, or very few know it better, as our grandmothers knew how to do. And the Queen of flavor, color and texture. Goes well with everything, but especially with: shrimp, lobster, risotto alla Milanese (try it), chips used in Holland as a concentrated tomato sauce.
The "capricious" but I do not like. The mayonnaise is the perfect Tuscan bread, that does not crumbs. And a 'heaven' with boiled chicken, but beware: the chicken to boil with many flavors .... marjoram, thyme, bay and, of course, mayonnaise. "
The soda should be orange mayonnaise: the spoon must be straight into the mayonnaise. And then compact and uniform enough to be preserved for the next day.
Put a thin layer on a plate will make a slight yellow brown crust that is as good as the pasta skipped.
The "Maio" and here the magic of the fantastic is released, is an esoteric food that can be done by good women, erotic and heart expansive. Those too intellectuals (those who say "that "...) will never do it well.
The" Davis "is a magical food. The proof you have it in the fact that women, menstruation, they can not do it. Why is the "combination" may fail ....
My friend Camerini (painter surfant ed) is a "mayonnaise" extraordinary. "Maybe have a special formula ...
I do not look ever he gets. Never go behind the scenes. My servant who 57 years said they could not do it. Probably because there is nothing "magic". I've renamed the "overdose" because it always wrong doses of mayonnaise. "
Lorenzo, what do you think the meal before you die?
"Chinese rice with curry sauce and mayonnaise 4-5 (preferably the day before) with risotto alla Milanese fegatini di pollo ben lavati e maionese; petto di pollo bollito con tutti i gusti, con maionese; faraona in gelatina con maionese.
Poi riposo per una buona mezz'ora... quindi si riprende la danza con: spremuta di frutti tropicali misti; tronco quaresimale grosso come un salame, con a fianco un bacile di panna montata fresca, spruzzata di polvere di cacao e dragèes di cioccolato; birra chiara, possibilmente Hamstel o Heineken gold".
Ma, Lorenzo, avevamo avviato il discorso sul Tibet!?
"Ed abbiamo concluso con la maionese: in piena magia!?..."