Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What Kind Of Condom Is Blue

Diced Chicken Kebab

a magazine I bought some 'time ago ... called "meatballs and meatloaf ... now I was kidnapped by the recipe for this warm and soft pieces of cheese. .. delicate, delicious as a side dish rather neutral taste may well accompany a meat or be accompagnati da una bella insalatina...non so ancora se piaceranno al mio bimbo (ha solo 3 mesi :-)) ma quando sarà piu' grande sicuramente glieli preparerò volentieri...

Ingredienti per 2-3 persone:

  • 250gr di ricotta romana o di pecora (con quella di pecora saranno sicuramente più saporiti!)
  • 1 uovo
  • 40 gr di parmigiano reggiano grattugiato
  • 20 gr di pangrattato
  • 1/2 scalogno (o cipolla)
  • farina qb
  • olio extra vergine d'oliva qb
  • sale qb

facoltativo nella ricetta originale c'era un pizzico di peperoncino and 2-3 sprigs of mint (certainly well prepared will have a stronger taste and unique! maybe try this variation!) .

chili .. of course be skipped if this dish will be devoted to the children ...


  • Peel the shallots, wash, dry, chop finely and let it simmer in a nonstick frying pan with 1 tablespoon oil and 1 of water (1 photos). Bake uncovered for 5 minutes at low heat, make possible comparative evaporate the liquid formed, and let cool.
  • Mix in a bowl the ricotta, Parmesan cheese, egg, breadcrumbs, a pinch of salt (optional pinch of red pepper and chopped mint leaves) and shallot (2 photos ) until the mixture is as homogeneous as possible and lilscio (3 photos).
  • form many round balls the size of a walnut (picture 4 ) in the flour (5 photos ) schiaccciatele slightly and making a small indentation in the center with your finger (picture 6 ).
  • Arrange the pieces aligned on plate lined with parchment paper (7 photos ), sprinkle with 2-3 tablespoons of oil (8 photos ) caled and cook in the oven at 200 degrees for about 15 minutes ...

and enjoy! :-) Roby


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