Friday, December 31, 2010

ميلينا فيلبا

Happy 2011 to everyone!

Fine anno è arrivato...ed è tempo di bilanci!
Il 2010 per noi con l'arrivo del nostro piccolo Tommy è stato davvero STRAVOLGENTE!
ancora tanti piccoli sogni nel cassetto da realizzare e tanti buoni auspici per il nuovo anno...
Auguro quindi a tutti voi un 2011 fortunato e felice e che sia un anno pieno di gioia e serenità!!!
e ovviamente pieno di tanti PASTICCI in cucina!!!
e ora via...
zampone and lentils are ready to uncork the champagne ... is cool ... and the cake is finished! we should celebrate!
an affectionate embrace virtually all readers of my BLOG!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Star Destroyer Pinewood Derby Car Designs

Milanesini Biscuits, Brunsli, Hungarians e. .. Happy Holidays to all!

Together with my wishes for a Merry Christmas I give you three great recipes for preparing the wonderful and delicious Christmas Cookies: The
Milanesini excellent shortbread from a slight lemon flavor
Brunsli the soft almond biscuits
and cocoa and Hungarians from the crumbly texture (try it!)
fact few weeks ago I attended a short course in the kitchen where we made these delicious cookies ... simple to make and cute to give away ...

Biscuits Milanesini


  • 200 grams of flour 100 g butter 100 g sugar
  • 60 grams of white almonds, finely chopped 1 egg
  • for '+ 1 egg yolk mixture to brush the biscuits
  • salt - a pinch
  • lemon zest to taste


  1. Mix butter and sugar, add egg, salt and finely chopped lemon last. Finally add the flour and ground almonds.
  2. Let the dough rest, covered with plastic wrap for food in the refrigerator for 12 hours after
  3. Flatten the dough with a rolling pin (about 1 cm thick) scoring with a roll (I used a wooden spargimiele) and cut the dough with the appropriate stencils
  4. Brush each biscuit with egg 2 times
  5. Arrange the biscuits on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper
  6. Bake at 200-220 degrees for about 12-15 minutes and allow to cool (remove i biscotti solo quando si saranno raffreddati per evitarne la rottura!)

Biscotti Brunsli

  • 330 gr di mandorle grezze (con la buccia per intenderci)
  • 70 gr di zucchero + una presa di zucchero per spolverare i biscotti
  • 70 gr di cacao
  • 70 gr circa di albume (2)
  • cannella qb
  1. Miscelare le mandorle tritate finemente con lo zucchero, l'albume, il cacao e una spolverata di cannella fino ad ottenere a rather compact dough let it rest in refrigerator (covered with plastic wrap) for a few hours
  2. Flatten with a rolling pin to a thickness of about 8-10mm
  3. Sprinkle the dough with sugar and cut with the appropriate molds of desired shape
  4. Place the cookies on a baking tray lined with baking paper
  5. preriscaladato Bake at 200-220 degree for 5-7 minutes (do not contain flour in cooking is a snap! consistency must be careful ... soft! if you keep them in the oven for too long will become very hard!)

Biscuits Hungarian

  • 140 gr di farina
  • 60 gr di fecola
  • 170 gr di burro
  • 90 gr di zucchero a velo
  • 2 tuorli d'uovo sodo
  • vaniglia (i semi di 1/2 bacca o un pizzico di vanillina in polvere...ovviamente prediligete la bacca!il sapore e il risultato è decisamente migliore!)
  • 60 gr di mandorle bianche tritate finemente
  1. Miscelare il burro con lo zucchero e la vaniglia 
  2. aggiungete i tuorli d'uovo passati in un passino (otterrete una purea che si miscelerà better dough!) and finally the sifted flour and starch, and chopped almonds
  3. Let the dough rest, covered with plastic wrap for food in the refrigerator for 12 hours after
  4. Flatten the dough with a rolling pin cut the dough with the special heart-shaped molds
  5. Arrange the biscuits on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper (distanziateli a little because they tend to expand during cooking!)
  6. Bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 15-20
  7. minutes Let cool (only when you remove the cookies are cooled to prevent breakage!)
  8. wanting to ... melt in microwave or bain-marie 200 grams of dark chocolate and spend half the cookie in melted chocolate

... and all the players mess Kitchen
by Roby
and my little "Babbini" (Tommy - 9 months)
... our best wishes to heart!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Airsoft Touraments In Pa

Saturday, December 4, 2010

How Much Cost Basic Scuba


or Cat 'Naples, whatever you want ... in short, a "potato cake" filled!
a classic dish, simple and very tasty ... to taste, definitely, as a main dish ... because this is a pretty rich recipe of ingredients (potatoes, cheese, salami ...) was the first
Once I did and I would say that this recipe, found on a log kitchen and slightly modified, I was very satisfied! try it then you too ...

Ingredients for a cake of 24 cm (6 / 8 servings):

  • 1kg potatoes (white paste and better if "old")
  • 200 grams of mixed cheese (the recipe calls for 100 grams of smoked mozzarella and 100 ... I used the smoked cheese and fontina)
  • 70g cooked ham (you can use other meats ... I used the mortadella)
  • 50g parmesan
  • 25g pecorino
  • 2 eggs 2 tablespoons milk
  • 50g of butter to taste breadcrumbs
  • nutmeg (if you like ... a little!)
  • salt
also included the recipe 2 tablespoons chopped parsley ... which I have not used

  • Boil the potatoes (I I used to accelerate the timing, convenient pressure cooker!), peel them and pass them, still hot, with masher (1 photos )
  • United mashed 30g butter, softened resulting in flakes (the rest of the 20 grams you will need to finish!) and stir with a wooden spoon or spatula.
  • Add the Parmesan and pecorino cheese (chopped parsley if you like), eggs, milk ( photos 2-3), adjust salt and mix bene.In this stage you can add the sausage chosen ( baked ham or sausage ...) ... or shredded, as in my case, I put the slices within the next whole gateau
  • butter with a piece of butter the cake pan (preferably opened, do not trouble express your gateau once cooked!) and sprinkle bottom and sides with bread crumbs ( 4 photos)
  • pour half the mixture into the pan of potatoes and livellatelo with the back of a spoon (5 photos )
  • distributed at this point a -2 entire slices of mortadella, cheese cut into cubes and mixed superimpose a few slices of mortadella until all the ingredients (6-7 photos)
  • livellatelo and pour the mixture was thoroughly (8 photos )
  • sprinkle the surface with plenty of bread crumbs (9 photos ) (and still a bit 'of parmesan cheese if desired) and finish with the remaining butter in flakes (10 photos )
  • bake for 40 minutes at 200 ° until top is golden brown (11 photos ) and then turn off the oven. Take the rest out of the oven for 20 minutes with oven door open. Disconnect the gateau from the mold by passing the knife along the edge of a boxcutter, sfornatelo and transfer it on a platter. Serve sliced \u200b\u200b... just like a pie (12 photos )

nb in my version I used, as shown in the photos, the mortadella slices whole ... and placed the cheese in the middle for a nice effect "filling" inside.
If you prefer, you can add, as I said before, shredded meats and cheeses into cubes directly into the compound. In
cut the pie, if you use whole slices of salami, use the blade of a sharp knife!
The gateau is best to cut the slices will be more cold ... 'set! Wishing you a while to prepare and heat the slices at the time ... the choice is more practical!
Enjoy your meal and the next recipe!
