Saturday, January 29, 2011

How Long Is Pc Mayonaisse Good For

Egypt and the Arab world will never be the same

If anyone still had doubts about radical change in these hours is looming in Egypt and, consequently, much of the Arab political world, without a shadow of doubt has been refuted by the progress of the revolt, but even more so by the numerous releases coming from the U.S. government. Before Obama himself, then the secretary of state in Clinton these days have wanted to study precisely the evolution of the situation to define a strategy that does not preclude their dialogue with the new spreads, irreversibly, in the largest and important Arab country. Wait tactical choice to avoid a fatal political own goal, in my opinion, is looming as the President of the United States in its tax reform and urged Mubarak to grant more rights, revealing a line che voleva il vecchio faraone, benchè indebolito, ancora protagonista della scena politica egiziana. E' di queste ore però il comunicato del Dipartimento di stato che recita: "siamo con il popolo"; scelta di campo ovvia, dato che è ormai lampante che qualsiasi sia il futuro dell'Egitto sarà di per certo libero da Mubarak.

L'Italia in tutto ciò tace. La possibilità di riacquistare il suo naturale ruolo di cerniera tra l'Europa e il basso Mediterraneo, scenario auspicabile data la totale perdita di influenza internazionale patita dal nostro paese in questi ultimi decenni, annaspa tra il "puttanaio di Arcore" e il nuovo ruolo di postino internazionale, svolto dal nostro ministro degli esteri, Frattini, Montecarlo involved in the business that sees the president of the Chamber Fini. The line of our government, given the relationship between Berlusconi and Mubarak and the apparent inability to deal with more than be the prblem of the premier, is full support for the Egyptian dictator. On the other hand between Gaddafi Berlusconi, Putin and Mubarak is in good company and just like the old Pharaoh to become unstuck from the chair do not think so. But what will happen once, hopefully soon, that Egypt will have a new government and they will resume diplomatic and economic relations with the north African country? Boohh!! We hope that Mr Berlusconi is no longer there so we can say that it was his fault and that we did not know nothing. Seriously, we will lose again, the train that we could return to the center of the international scene, pace of those who argues that in recent years if there is one thing that Berlusconi has made good it is in foreign policy, where there need is to invite you to put Villa Certosa Kim Jong il and also are full.

That said, these five-day blaze Egyptian something you can already get: In addition to the manifest destiny of Mubarak, Ben Ali on the other hand, we can be sure will sell life dearly but will eventually be ousted, the scenario more complicated to be painted is the later. There will be a secular government? Theocratic? Al Qaeda influence on fate of the country? The dam secular in the Arab world is falling apart and some Western countries make no secret of doing under starsela fear. But we must make a necessary distinction between the Muslim Brotherhood, the largest party-inspired Islamic fundamentalists and Al Qaeda: the former have renounced violence and are a political force that draws the model more turkish than to Iran with Al Qaeda that in some cases is actually an obstacle to their ascension to the ruling party. Inquest years have been repressed in every way, even if the scheme was unable to delete them, indeed, hiding in the movim ent has been strengthened and it is the next generation that grew up under Mubarak's repression, not wanting to wait patiently for a transition driven. You see the horizon after many years the opportunity to break the bank and lead the country and impatiently why this happens. Do not forget, however, that Egypt is a country with political rather diverse, consisting of several forces: communists, social democrats and theocratic fundamentalist drift is not at all obvious, perhaps the least likely. The Egyptian people are not struggling to be oppressed by a new totalitarian rule and need to swear that they will accept new despots. moreover, the West with his usual hypocrisy has always supported the dictators who promise a different bank alla deriva integralista, fregandosene allegramente dei diritti civili e del benessere dei popoli sottomessi. L'importante era non far passare i turchi a Lepanto. Ma allora come si giustificano dieci anni di guerre fatte, come fosse un'operazione di marketing commerciale, per esportare la democrazia. Se è questa democrazia che vogliamo esportare, che dice bene noi affanculo gli altri, beh, allora forse fanno bene ad insorgere in Affghanistan e Iraq. La verità è che l'occidente fà solo i suoi interessi. E allora finiamola con questa odiosa ipocrisia, diciamolo: non ci frega chi mettete al potere, l'importante è che ci garantite petrolio, fronttere sicure contro l'immigrazione clandestina e pace per Israele. In sintesi non è questo we seek, we in the West?

Friday, January 28, 2011

What Is Leakage Heart Valves

The flame that burns the Mediterranean

For days now the entire media landscape Italian, and consequently the public, are fully, fairly boring and stubbornly focused on private matters and are not of "our" president Minister, Silvio Berlusconi. The newspapers, news broadcasts and so-called in-depth political whose only common denominator the interception of conversations between the components of the grotesque sleazy pimps and Berlusconi's harem and, alas, are not eunuchs who run it. The poverty of this view is obvious, but even more so when one considers that a few miles from our shores, on the shores of that Mediterranean incubator, cradle of our civilization and tutor at the same time you're playing a game historically decisive for the fate of the entire theater. A few scraps of news, at most a couple of pages of newspaper and hints the radio are all the coverage given by our media to the blaze that is spreading in nord'Africa and began to burn even the consciousness of Yemen, a country historically stable politically because ultra-repressive. After this brief but necessary introduction, I'd like to share with the (few) readers of this blog enthusiasm, fibrillation and interest for those who must have had Arab history as the revolutions of 2011, which closely resembles the events that arose in Europe at the change-too-distant 1848. Let me be clear, my enthusiasm and my excitement is indeed no not caused by blood flowing unfortunately and inevitably flowing on the streets, nor the prospect that the head of some despot of these countries hang from the gallows, I think that this is inevitable and inextricably part of the corollary of events that accompany a revolution. The happiness I feel when I see those places filled with people is due instead to the feeling that finally the people of countries that, on paper, call themselves democrats, maybe not all at once, to obtain the long-awaited participation in public affairs in the West should be granted. Not that democracy is for sure the panacea for all evil, but so much so, that still passes the convent of the best devised by man to administer.

The Mediterranean in revolt: against decades of dictatorship and parasitic hypocritical, untenable against a social situation, against the disappointment caused by the knowledge that land rich in resources are picked clean by vultures just hungry and against a West that, behind the flag now worn in the war on terrorism, has covered the crimes and abuses of various Ben Ali, Mubarack, Bouteflika, Saleh, strengthened by the support that Gaddafi and Assad in the first place Americans have yet to flourish undisturbed, against a population hungry for food and progress, and finally decided to break the banks of underdevelopment in which it was forced. If playing back the comments of Western leaders to the work of any of the above gentlemen, you realize how terribly false the values \u200b\u200bthat inform a decade from now the epic fight against terrorism. In these hours of course their concern is all directed at what will happen once ousted their standard-bearers of Arab secularism. Sure, put aside a good chance that Mubarak's Egypt, the largest and most important Arab country, home of the most influential Islamic university and the first Muslim-inspired political party, fall into the hands of fundamentalists. But if this were to happen, first should be criticized for their countries all along the thirty years of his reign or allowed the Pharaoh to keep in ignorance and poverty in much of the population and to suppress without brake any hint of opposition or change, thus creating the ideal nutrient solution for the expansion of the virus of radical Islam, then that is nothing but the virus of extreme resentment towards some of the world that enjoys privileges denied to them. The proof of this is given by Tunisia, the country that paved the way to all the demands of these days: in the country where only a few days ago ruled Ben Ali, in spite of everything there is a high school completion rate, a good number of graduates and therefore a considerable mass of people who can think for themselves, which previously did not allow any political party and no religious movement to put the hat on their revolution. Why education does not always mean loss of their traditional culture and westernization.

A spontaneous and conscious like that, exceptionally in contemporary art, is demanding more rights and more prosperity in all countries of North Africa is something new and wonderful. Just like in Europe in 1848 when it seemed that everything could happen and people down the streets of most of the capitals of the old continent to demand change that for many countries, unfortunately, came only after many decades. Today, however, the information on the network run fast, and that we are seeing is the first call to the international outcry quasin occurred exclusively on the Internet. It 's more difficult for those in power to control a network of contacts so extensive compared to a few newspapers and TV. Power of modernity, and the good side of the net. Twitter and other social networks are flocking to the comments and appeals not to give ordinary citizens and intellectuals, are usvcire pictures and news about police behavior in the demonstrations, have been meeting sul prossimo assembramento che poi diventerà un nuovo corteo. Una vera e propria dimostrazione di come spesso i governati siano ben più avanti dei propri governanti che non riescono in nessun modo a sedare la protesta. Spero che tutto ciò continui, se non alro per spronare coloro che governano i paesi in questione a fare concessioni sempre più alte e per arrivare al più presto ad una forma di governo non dispotico e partecipato.

E come non paragonare , o meglio, mettere in relazione ciò che sta accadendo per le strade di Tunisi, Algeri, il Cairo, Beirut, Tripoli, Damasco e San'a con gli avvenimenti che in autunno hanno riempito le piazze delle più grandi città europee come Londra, Parigi, Roma e Atene. Da una parte si lotta per la vita e per iniziare a contare, mentre dall'altra si lotta per contare di più, ma dall'alto al basso Mediterraneo fino ad arrivare al mare del nord la vampa è ben viva e rischia finalmente di incendiare le coscenze del nuovo millennio, purtroppo iniziato con l'11 settembre e la lotta al terrorismo.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Transfer Irish Pensions To Australia

Woodcuts. THE ART OF SCORING Maestro Alessandro. I WAS

The woodcut is a technique of ancient origins, wood engraving used to reproduce copies of drawings and inscriptions. On a wooden board-matrix - once the path or set design, proceed with special instruments to remove the parts that make up the image, saving the figures and their boundaries so that will remain in relief.
On the matrix due to be inked spread the sheet on which, through pressure, will be etched into the picture, mirror than carved. For a good result of the work using wood-grained and compact, and long fibers. The most appropriate are those bonds, such as cherry or pear and mountain ash and very hard bosso.
Esistono due tecniche xilografiche che si differenziano in rapporto agli strumenti utilizzati.
La xilografia a intaglio è la tecnica più antica (risale, in Europa, ai secoli XI-XII) ed è eseguita esclusivamente con l’utilizzo di sgorbie e coltelli, su matrici di filo: tavolette di legno tagliate secondo piani paralleli al tronco, talchè presentano le fibre (la venatura) nella loro lunghezza. La xilografia su legno di filo permette l’uso di legni di grandi dimensioni e, conseguentemente, un intaglio gestuale, libero e istintivo.

14 cm x 22
Alessandri 1955
private gallery owned by Prof. Gianluigi Marianini
17 cm x 21
Alessandri 1956
The other technique is the wood engraving (the invention can be traced back to English Thomas Bewick, in 1775) and is carried out on end grain. The matrix is \u200b\u200bobtained by cutting the stem lengthwise but not across more than its height, resulting in a high surface compact and homogeneous, as the head wood fibers has "severed". An array of head incised with the tips and chisels used to direct the etching, allowing a precise and fine sign.
Alessandri 1956
The polychrome woodcut, which appears at the end of the fifteenth century woodcuts to reproduce the effect of monochromatic watercolor, uses the more matrices that create colored backgrounds or part thereof.
In the early sixteenth century were introduced two special techniques: a Dutch the Camaïeu, invented by Jost de Negker around 1510, and the other Italian, chiaroscuro, Ugo da Carpi adopted in 1516. These two cases, very often confused, are completely different. For Camaïeu need at least two sticks: one engraved with the hatch pattern, which can be printed by itself, the other going to be the spot where background with small decorations or additions to the landscape.
Philosophers Original wood-Cm. 29 x 39
Alessandri 1948
The Tumblers - Original Woodcut Cm. 29 x 39  Alessandri 1959
Nella xilografia a chiaroscuro invece vi sono matrici incise “a piatto”, che formano cioè le tinte del disegno, alla prima più chiara se ne sovrappone una di tonalità più scura che accentua alcune parti e rialza i valori tonali del disegno, poi eventualmente una terza ancora più scura e così via. Una matrice per ogni tinta per ottenere, mediante sovrapposizione, più toni: con l’utilizzo di due matrici si ottengono tre differenti toni; con tre matrici ben sette toni, ecc. Evidente quindi come in un camaïeu il primo legno inciso a tratteggio basterebbe da solo per dare il disegno, mentre nel chiaroscuro italiano è indispensabile stampare more wood. (taken from U. GIOVANNINI, Color and Freedom, the summer of woodcut in Romagna, p.. 138, Russians, Vaca, 2005).
"The Last Rose"

The woodcut also covers those small jobs engraved called Ex Libris.
's Ex Libris is a sign of ownership is a mark of possession, consisting of a card that is usually applied to the inside front cover page of a book in order to establish ownership of that volume. It shall, in the form elegant, aristocratic and artistic, the signature or stamp that is commonly used to demonstrate the possession of a volume. On this card, usually, there is the name of the owner of the volume, a motto that means in a sense characterizes the ideas, passions and tastes of the owner and then a drawing or a cartoon or coat of arms, who plays him.

Ex Libris Woodcut head

Alessandri Alessandri 1947, recorded his first Ex Libris linoleum on way back in 1942, when only fifteen years, self-taught, he won the first prize for the woodcut shows a regional youth. Since then drew over three hundred Alessandri Ex Libris, a hundred of which were made and printed in various techniques. If you look at the different branches in which the activity took place in Alexandria (which is either all the techniques of etching and oil painting without drawing scorn sometimes or advertising), one wonders if all this production is not for the the expense of artistic value. The answer is a definite no. Not only can you see a chronologically continuous search of style and technique, but a gradual enrichment of the media, who can always choose the most appropriate. Pen drawings, lonoleografie, some lithography, form most of its production exlibristica, but now prefers the wood engraving of the head (boxwood or pear), who knows the technique to deal with a high safety violent chiaroscuro, clear and effective spiritually.
Participation in various competitions, calls for numerous exhibitions of Ex Libris, the Ex Libris continuous depictions of a large number of magazines and the orders are becoming more pressing, Norway, South Africa, from Spain to the United States, as the success and the request of his works, by a refined and educated public which is that of lovers and collectors of Ex Libris. It is precisely in this narrow and special "guest" which Alexander devotes his best creations, in which a fund's philosophy is not petty, as it may seem at first glance, it materializes in subjects that are very original excuse to give vent to his imagination mysterious, full of "humor" and sometimes disturbing. (from the banner of Ex Libris. Servolini and Bono).

Friday, January 21, 2011

Symphaty To A Mother In Law

Polenta Torta caprese valdostana

What could be better ... ... in the winter days of smoking, hot and cheese polenta??
I guess that's the right time for "polenta" with friends over a glass of wine!
We often went to ski in Valle D'Aosta and every time we stopped to eat something at the end of our choice is always difficult on this dish ... then get back on skis after a bowl of polenta ... but how resist?? The best polenta
Valdostana we have eaten in a chalet on the slopes of Pila, where the bottom of the bowl, add some thin slices of bacon Arnad (I use slices of bacon instead of the bacon) ... no comment! Delirium!
To recreate the same dish then we also have bowls of clay but of course sarà ottima anche se servita in ciotole di ceramica monoporzione.
Direi che è un buon piatto unico...semplice e gustoso! provatelo se vi va...

Ingredienti per 4 persone (4 terrine monoporzione):

  • 500 gr di farina di granoturco (io utilizzo sempre una farina di granoturco integrale macinata a pietra...un po' piu' grezza e macinata meno finemente di quella normale)
  • 2,5 litri di acqua (il quantitativo di acqua varia anche in base al tipo di farina utilizzata...verificate sulla confezione della vostra polenta il quantitativo suggested)
  • 200-250 g fontina cheese (fontina cheese strictly!)
  • 150 grams of butter
  • salt (a handful)
  • bacon pepper a pinch (2 or 3 slices per person)


  1. Prepare your polenta ... and then boil the water with a generous handful of salt and pour the flour. Initially use a whisk to prevent lumps, then bodies with patience (otherwise as my electric kettle :-)), wooden pallet and stir constantly until the polenta to cook for about 45-50 minutes. Do not use quick-cooking polenta flour (the taste and texture are very different)! photo 1
  2. cooked add the butter (meta ') and stir for good (2 photos )
  3. Fill the terrine your (preferably terracotta) portion (one course for each diner) or alternatively, you can also use a single dish ... so lies first of all the slices of bacon (2 or 3 for each bowl will suffice) on the bottom and then alternate layers of polenta with layers of cheese cut into cubes and a bit ' of butter (3-4 photos) ... completed with a generous layer of cheese (so Formas a nice crust on the surface) 5 photos , a pinch of pepper if you like, and bake the terrine or pan in the preheated oven at 180 degrees for 10-15 minutes until the cheese has completely time and will create a golden crust! (If you need even for a few minutes turn the grill)
  4. serve the terrine onto a plate lined with a napkin 6 photos ... and of course careful not to touch the bowl with your hands because they really be hot! ... and enjoy!

the upcoming recipes! :-) Roby

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Blacks Do Not Get A Fair Deal

I was bread
I became bread
I will be bread
(Alessandri 4 / 4 / '97 ).

Drawing Pascal Title: The Indian dancer was ill but did not know 1966.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Uk Licence Templates Free

socks biscuits ... and good witch!

Epiphany takes away all the festivities!
It 's time to pull off your socks ... Here is my
With my usual recipe, but always excellent and always appreciated, butter biscuits I made some socks "biscuit" ... really nice to be proposed on the day of Epiphany in ages! Carina
idea how true? ... And now ... go with the broom ... I have to start shipping!
Viva Viva la Befana!

:-) Roby