Friday, January 21, 2011

Symphaty To A Mother In Law

Polenta Torta caprese valdostana

What could be better ... ... in the winter days of smoking, hot and cheese polenta??
I guess that's the right time for "polenta" with friends over a glass of wine!
We often went to ski in Valle D'Aosta and every time we stopped to eat something at the end of our choice is always difficult on this dish ... then get back on skis after a bowl of polenta ... but how resist?? The best polenta
Valdostana we have eaten in a chalet on the slopes of Pila, where the bottom of the bowl, add some thin slices of bacon Arnad (I use slices of bacon instead of the bacon) ... no comment! Delirium!
To recreate the same dish then we also have bowls of clay but of course sarà ottima anche se servita in ciotole di ceramica monoporzione.
Direi che è un buon piatto unico...semplice e gustoso! provatelo se vi va...

Ingredienti per 4 persone (4 terrine monoporzione):

  • 500 gr di farina di granoturco (io utilizzo sempre una farina di granoturco integrale macinata a pietra...un po' piu' grezza e macinata meno finemente di quella normale)
  • 2,5 litri di acqua (il quantitativo di acqua varia anche in base al tipo di farina utilizzata...verificate sulla confezione della vostra polenta il quantitativo suggested)
  • 200-250 g fontina cheese (fontina cheese strictly!)
  • 150 grams of butter
  • salt (a handful)
  • bacon pepper a pinch (2 or 3 slices per person)


  1. Prepare your polenta ... and then boil the water with a generous handful of salt and pour the flour. Initially use a whisk to prevent lumps, then bodies with patience (otherwise as my electric kettle :-)), wooden pallet and stir constantly until the polenta to cook for about 45-50 minutes. Do not use quick-cooking polenta flour (the taste and texture are very different)! photo 1
  2. cooked add the butter (meta ') and stir for good (2 photos )
  3. Fill the terrine your (preferably terracotta) portion (one course for each diner) or alternatively, you can also use a single dish ... so lies first of all the slices of bacon (2 or 3 for each bowl will suffice) on the bottom and then alternate layers of polenta with layers of cheese cut into cubes and a bit ' of butter (3-4 photos) ... completed with a generous layer of cheese (so Formas a nice crust on the surface) 5 photos , a pinch of pepper if you like, and bake the terrine or pan in the preheated oven at 180 degrees for 10-15 minutes until the cheese has completely time and will create a golden crust! (If you need even for a few minutes turn the grill)
  4. serve the terrine onto a plate lined with a napkin 6 photos ... and of course careful not to touch the bowl with your hands because they really be hot! ... and enjoy!

the upcoming recipes! :-) Roby


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