Saturday, January 29, 2011

How Long Is Pc Mayonaisse Good For

Egypt and the Arab world will never be the same

If anyone still had doubts about radical change in these hours is looming in Egypt and, consequently, much of the Arab political world, without a shadow of doubt has been refuted by the progress of the revolt, but even more so by the numerous releases coming from the U.S. government. Before Obama himself, then the secretary of state in Clinton these days have wanted to study precisely the evolution of the situation to define a strategy that does not preclude their dialogue with the new spreads, irreversibly, in the largest and important Arab country. Wait tactical choice to avoid a fatal political own goal, in my opinion, is looming as the President of the United States in its tax reform and urged Mubarak to grant more rights, revealing a line che voleva il vecchio faraone, benchè indebolito, ancora protagonista della scena politica egiziana. E' di queste ore però il comunicato del Dipartimento di stato che recita: "siamo con il popolo"; scelta di campo ovvia, dato che è ormai lampante che qualsiasi sia il futuro dell'Egitto sarà di per certo libero da Mubarak.

L'Italia in tutto ciò tace. La possibilità di riacquistare il suo naturale ruolo di cerniera tra l'Europa e il basso Mediterraneo, scenario auspicabile data la totale perdita di influenza internazionale patita dal nostro paese in questi ultimi decenni, annaspa tra il "puttanaio di Arcore" e il nuovo ruolo di postino internazionale, svolto dal nostro ministro degli esteri, Frattini, Montecarlo involved in the business that sees the president of the Chamber Fini. The line of our government, given the relationship between Berlusconi and Mubarak and the apparent inability to deal with more than be the prblem of the premier, is full support for the Egyptian dictator. On the other hand between Gaddafi Berlusconi, Putin and Mubarak is in good company and just like the old Pharaoh to become unstuck from the chair do not think so. But what will happen once, hopefully soon, that Egypt will have a new government and they will resume diplomatic and economic relations with the north African country? Boohh!! We hope that Mr Berlusconi is no longer there so we can say that it was his fault and that we did not know nothing. Seriously, we will lose again, the train that we could return to the center of the international scene, pace of those who argues that in recent years if there is one thing that Berlusconi has made good it is in foreign policy, where there need is to invite you to put Villa Certosa Kim Jong il and also are full.

That said, these five-day blaze Egyptian something you can already get: In addition to the manifest destiny of Mubarak, Ben Ali on the other hand, we can be sure will sell life dearly but will eventually be ousted, the scenario more complicated to be painted is the later. There will be a secular government? Theocratic? Al Qaeda influence on fate of the country? The dam secular in the Arab world is falling apart and some Western countries make no secret of doing under starsela fear. But we must make a necessary distinction between the Muslim Brotherhood, the largest party-inspired Islamic fundamentalists and Al Qaeda: the former have renounced violence and are a political force that draws the model more turkish than to Iran with Al Qaeda that in some cases is actually an obstacle to their ascension to the ruling party. Inquest years have been repressed in every way, even if the scheme was unable to delete them, indeed, hiding in the movim ent has been strengthened and it is the next generation that grew up under Mubarak's repression, not wanting to wait patiently for a transition driven. You see the horizon after many years the opportunity to break the bank and lead the country and impatiently why this happens. Do not forget, however, that Egypt is a country with political rather diverse, consisting of several forces: communists, social democrats and theocratic fundamentalist drift is not at all obvious, perhaps the least likely. The Egyptian people are not struggling to be oppressed by a new totalitarian rule and need to swear that they will accept new despots. moreover, the West with his usual hypocrisy has always supported the dictators who promise a different bank alla deriva integralista, fregandosene allegramente dei diritti civili e del benessere dei popoli sottomessi. L'importante era non far passare i turchi a Lepanto. Ma allora come si giustificano dieci anni di guerre fatte, come fosse un'operazione di marketing commerciale, per esportare la democrazia. Se è questa democrazia che vogliamo esportare, che dice bene noi affanculo gli altri, beh, allora forse fanno bene ad insorgere in Affghanistan e Iraq. La verità è che l'occidente fà solo i suoi interessi. E allora finiamola con questa odiosa ipocrisia, diciamolo: non ci frega chi mettete al potere, l'importante è che ci garantite petrolio, fronttere sicure contro l'immigrazione clandestina e pace per Israele. In sintesi non è questo we seek, we in the West?


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