Sunday, September 27, 2009

Tamazepam How Long Does It Take

Item no 1 - Stunts from the center of the over


Downtown, the needle of the compass, is a scacchiera in centro, su un tavolino, schiacciato tra la pancia di un barbuto ubriaco e il mento di un ragliante avversario. I tocchetti verticali di legno a differenti colori alternati - come nel piano pure s'alternano - hanno mosse obbligate, con regole. Si può andare in avanti e indietro, a volte in diagonale a volte no, altre indietro non si può tornare, e soprattutto si mangia, mentre si beve, e si uccide. Hanno mosse obbligate i pedoni, fatte guardando la scacchiera, regole del pavimento, fanno passi seguendo le forme del suolo, proprio come certi giochi mentali fatti al mattino, di mattone in mattone, sul marciapiede. Regole del pedone legnoso i quadri, regole del pedone umano le strisce, i segnali, le scritte.
Misurando step with the culture from one neighborhood to another the rules of the road they decide where and how your foot rests.


Almost like do not move from room to penetrate to the core, to enjoy the sense of this city.
And never thought it would see "the rest" those who were not motivated by the vital reasons: spaces, employment, poverty.


The son can also try to clear voice, shouting his name from the balcony.
And you can stay in the square white and slow to think about things slow and white and to speak in a broken voice and intrusive.
Or the sheriff in broad daylight.


Humanity clotted seeking order.
shelters were erected in classes.
And as the center of civilization melts and drips into the margin, becoming thin, meeting the bestiality of natural things, and with these funds.


A spot that expands and sterilizes the soil teeming with life, buried under the chemistry and the right, under a new order. A substitution, the old dynamics redone, old habits change of name, to feed always the same demands of life that drag from the beginning.


Yet you can not go as you want, but dug in the streets between the houses.
Yet one can not sink into the walls, past the houses, when you want to cross.
Whenever a choice is made choices between things, you already think. A choice made between the choices of others who frequently move among the choices. Here
moves up in the solid form of reason and the possibility of this bounded.


Le case, i pensieri solidi urbani, i ragionamenti irrigiditi verso il cielo che in città ha le stesse forme delle strade.
Le case che pensavo solo irremovibili, che pensavo messe solo a guardia delle strade. E invece l'ho visto portarla tutta sul carrello del supermercato, un altro trascinarla su un minuscolo carretto di legno a due rotelle.
E poi tutti i luoghi tralasciati.
Non sempre so a quale dove gli altri affidano la stanchezza, cos'è a custode del loro riposo, dov'è il rifugio della loro intimità riscaldata dagli amici o dai cari, o in che luogo concepiscono i loro figli.


The parallel, that is where everything else is from the urban lives his life. The places where the gestures made in the city have a real consideration, as a consequence, an end and bring it to fruition.
places where the hand moves, mouth chewing, which covers the foot, they find a significant effect, a mirror.
The places where we gather complete, where everything that is not elected to participate in rallies, leaving the impression that when civilization has passed.
sewers, landfills, cemeteries, beyond a civilized society.

Photo: Roberto Cosenza, PRGC , 2007


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