Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Grace Period To Renew Drivers Lincense In Tx

Kevin Warwick, the first human cyborg. The inevitability of integration man-machine

If you have never heard of Kevin Warwick, professor of cybernetics at the University of Reading (UK), probably reading the title of this post the first thing that comes to mind is: "science fiction". But listening and becoming acquainted with what has already been achieved, the opinion on the possibility that one day we all have on our body systems technological change drastically. And 'my old ball, of course not supported by scientific knowledge, he sees the next step in human evolution can only be fully integrated with machines. Biologically, man has little chance to evolve yet, but everything can happen by using their own ingenuity and technology. I know one thing that seems impossible or, at best, distant in time, but if you think the scientific-technological progress in the last twenty years you will realize that the time it takes to evolve the science is much less than the time taken by the company to absorb the news. This is not to say that all of the cyborg has become a desirable future, on the contrary, I find that there are many obscure points in this perspective. But I think it is inevitable that this happens. It is inevitable. With all due respect for ethical and religious dilemmas. With regard to considerations of merit, the goodness of this perspective or not, it seems to me too early to have a well thought out. Ten or twenty years? We wait, and time will tell.

transmission Mystery, broadcast on Italia 1, meets Kevin Warwick

Interview with Kevin Warwick is the radio program Moebius (Radio24)


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