Sunday, September 27, 2009

How Many Calories In Stirfy

Editorial No 1 - The space of human

Stress and well-being are among the words at the center of attention in recent times. Increasingly, recent studies, the most diverse team, go to identify the environment as the principle of many phenomena. The "movements" of the person, his psychic events, physical, his or her health disorders are increasingly traced back to space as a cause: the "wise men" speak of the mysterious lowering of immune defenses, neurosis, weaknesses, but also regeneration phenomena due, apparently, environment in which we are immersed. But it is not difficult to imagine: without the space there would be no events, there would be no physical conditions that contribute to whatever happens and this important environment is the fact that the man seems to be a highly sensitive receptor: stores, reworks, reacts, not least unconsciously. The space in direct contact with the individual, ultimately, seems to be the place where everything has a beginning, the primordial impulse of any event that becomes human reaction accordingly.
For many of us the space has become essential precondition of any action. So, let's look for the ritual place can accommodate our actions, to celebrate our events, the place to be able to develop our goal: to think, study, relax, run, talk, drink and so on. At other times, this search was remote in time and then there are places ESTABLISHED: waiting rooms, factories and offices, railway stations. Places that we take for granted, places that are offered as standard to set some specific events, places that other people care for us. The spaces are divided into genres, categories, as well as our actions. Everything has its place: it would not like to talk about Qohelet, but there is a place to be born and a place to die (perhaps a department), a place to work and a place to rest, un posto per leggere e un posto per raccontare, o uno stesso posto per partire e per arrivare, un luogo dove stanno le cose vive e un luogo dove restano le cose morte eccetera.
Il luogo dove la nostra civiltà per gran parte si raggruppa sappiamo essere la città, con un serie di altri luoghi intermedi sicuramente marginali rispetto a questa, ma non meno importanti, come le vie di comunicazione o di commercio. Questo è uno scenario che in ogni parte del mondo ha richiesto tempo per formarsi. Sicuramente il divenire protagonista della città segna il principio dell'epoca moderna, assieme ad altre invenzioni che sono la pura conseguenza della convivenza di una moltitudine, come la stampa: esigenze di massa.
Ma come è could this happen? Not wanting to talk about history we can only imagine the process will certainly mental human beings, just like other forms of life, roamed the natural scenery found themselves living. Nature provides weather and weather provide shelter, these most probably be naked - they say - certainly bare of a dwelling, must have occupied the "cracks" of the earth and nature that gave them protection. Then the imitation can have space? Sure, just being able to find a container that encloses it. In the next step becomes a simple air area, which includes the oppression of the space by physical boundaries. Such as walls. A process almost certainly imitative - already in the idea - of nature. It is therefore natural to imagine the city as opposed to nature, or indeed civilization as opposed to nature: a report of the competition, antagonism. However, two places that are not always clearly separated, in many parts of the globe come together. Each of these has its own composition, logic, balance, dynamic pyramid - the hierarchy of life. Then we could still imagine the man as a son who seeks his own way outside of their family. This is the logic that we can imagine with the material available so far, the material that makes us think of the city as much from nature, where everything is different: we are led think for example that in nature a seed fallen to the ground can sprout in the city are not, nature is the fruit trees in the city is the fruit sellers, but it all ends here? The contrast is so clear? It is the only possible realities? On architecture has shown that the scenario may be different and that the two worlds come together only "inevitably" but they can be designed in a poetic and fruitful coexistence, see Emilio Ambasz.
As to space, matter, it is impossible to complete a speech on his logic, especially in relationship to time and then with his historicizing: space is made of matter and we do not know it at all its subcomponents, many of us imagine that there are entities in the air that we see, we have no knowledge of the dimensions of space as a universe in which we find ourselves well. The only way to be more confident in speaking is to speak of the places linked to our lives: places like experience.

Photo: Sara Buselli, Architecture, 2008


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