Thursday, September 10, 2009

Nine Snooker Balls Problem

surfant EXHIBITION 25 September to 25 November 2009

On September 25, 2009 at the opening of collective art galleries in Turin associated with TAG, Art Galleries of AV Artevision Foundation will inaugurate the exhibition "surfant.

The exhibition is the result of the union of purpose, the Foundation and Art Gallery Artevision Lorenzo Alessandri, celebrate artistic excellence in one of Piedmont, as the group surfant, and to communicate the value to the general public Italian.

in 2010 will be the anniversary of 10 years after the death of two of the leaders of this movement, Lorenzo Alessandri, Mario Molina and this exhibition is intended to be, among other things, a moment of celebration.
The exhibition aims to document an important aspect of modern art, also notable for the breadth and for the participation of artists and for originality of themes, and is also an historical reflection on the cultural path of a city-faceted and eclectic such as Turin, open to multiple experiences.
In the 60s it developed the artistic movement in Turin "surfant" (in principle stands for Surrealism and FANTASY and as a result of the Subconscious Royal fantastic art), which involves artists like Habakkuk, Camerini, Lorenzo Alessandri, Colombotto Red Macciotta, Molinari and Ponte Corvo and thinkers such as Marianini, Ambesi and Kolosimo. The birth of the magazine of the same name to the group allowed the publication of the writings and, most importantly, the graphic works of the artists involved. In this period also organizes exhibitions of artists of the group in Europe and the United States as evidence of a greater openness to the experience surreal and fantastic European artists with Dutch, French and Eastern Europe. In the statement

"surfant", held at the facilities AV Art Galleries Via Santa Giulia 14 in Turin, will present works of great value Lorenzo Alessandri, Mario Molinari, Colombotto Red, Habakkuk, Lamberto Camerini, Giovanni and Raffaele Macciotta Pontecorvo.
In detail:
12 works by Lorenzo Alessandri
5 works of Habakkuk
5 tapestries Colombotto Red
8 works by Lamberto Camerini
5 sculptures of Mario Molinari
2 works of John Macciotta
two works by Raphael Pontecorvo


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