Tuesday, September 1, 2009

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Allow at sea

Many debates and appeals have defended the importance and the role of blogs in democracy. The importance of the blog is real, everyone should be free to say it to circulate ideas. Anyone using a blog can be found to truly participate in the contemporary forms of democracy. But the number of existing blogs is creating an overlapping effect of the information. A transposition
mirror the shape of the word real to the virtual in terms of numbers these invokes the effect of crowd chatter. Of course you can still navigate. What I listed is not able to undermine the fundamental role of blogs in a democracy, which could be (and perhaps is already happening) revolutionary prorpio mean in political terms. If in fact a major contribution to the French Revolution arrived Leaflets and often spontaneous as "L'ami du peuple" by Marat, a contribution today can change from one means even more accessible as the blog. Print during the French Revolution was one thing for a few as you can imagine, but today it is still difficult. In light of these aspects, the democratic value of the blog can be measured in purely economic terms. If in fact the freedom in capitalist society is measured by a money freedom = 1, in the sense of accessibility to resources and services (eg education or health, but this also applies to ideas, I repeat: who can afford to do a newspaper?), the blog with the cost distorts these rules (and this is a threat to the power). Among
dead zones, abandoned spaces, views date, the network is overcrowded. What is the point to start a blog? Need to write, but also serves to what I just described. What leads a person to open a blog? Surely the desire to mostrasi, the dream of being followed and therefore to be considered valuable, and the need to participate, but also set goals and informative debate.
For the second time I try to open a personal space.
From about 22:00 last night I sat at the computer, I got up to go to bed around 24.00, after searching in vain for a title for my blog. I had some idea, I put a few words in sequence, and of course included in Google to verify the originality I have seen that almost all sequences of words have been used. Out of a hundred (I think) included in the search, three if I'm wrong are never used. The sequences of course I will keep secret, know how precious and rare, until they be consumed in the sieges of those who surf the web and filled with words. However, what I found funny and I can tell, it's like in this game of research, I deliberately sbizarrito finding really hard to displace the virtual world: sequences as "mechanical fog", "fish fog", "apple jumping" lead a dignified existence on its website.
All day today I kept thinking. I just wanted to create a collection of writings that their inspiration from deriving a world where most of the time step. There are other things that are called "urban anthology," those who have used this sequence will forgive them if I had the same idea. Maybe the web is also used to discover that men move in a compound of choices, or Duen people may think the same thing in two distant parts of the world. Maybe. It 's definitely so for another space, blog, opened by an Argentinean woman named Silvana, always called "urban anthology" ( link). Returning to
sense today, returning from work in reviewing the usual train is Florence - Porta al Prato Seraglio, I discussed with my friend painter Ilaria Buselli sull'effettivo senso di un blog. L'unica conclusione ragionevole è che "è come pisciare nel mare".
Foto: Sara Buselli, Cry , 2008


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