Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Creamy Mucus Inplantation

Workers always, the subjects never

Alcoa of Cagliari, Fiat Pomigliano d'Arco , Fiat's Termini Imerese and many, many other leading Italian factories are likely to close and leave without a job and support thousands of people. It 's a bad time for what on paper is a Republic founded on work. Probably not the Italians who are personally experiencing the dramatic situation, complaints of workers at risk of dismissal arriva solo qualche flebile eco in tv e sui giornali, niente più. In pochi si preoccupano davvero del grido di dolore di una società, quella industriale italiana, agonizzante e che per adesso non vede all'orizzonte nessuna cura valida al suo male profondo.

In tutto ciò, però, oltre la paura di finire per strada c'è di più. C'è il terrore di perdere, insieme al lavoro, anche il diritto di abitare la propria terra, quella in cui si è nati e si è scelto di vivere e far progredire con la propria fatica , perchè non si ha di che sfamarsi. E questo in un paese civile è inaccetabile. In un sistema che funziona dovrebbe essere concesso a chiunque, se lo si è perso, di poter cercare e trovare un nuovo lavoro. La verità è che molti lavoratori dei grandi distretti industriali italiani vivono una condizione che non differisce di molto da quella dei contadini che, nel medioevo, erano tutt'uno con il proprio pezzo di terra. Quelle persone erano parte integrante del podere che lavoravano, di proprietà del grande feudatario o del vassallo di turno. Da quella terra i contadini medioevali ricavavano giusto il minimo per il prorpio sostentamento, e potevano essere venduti ed acquistati, insieme alla terra, come fossero macchine agricole, come farebbe un proprietario terriero contemporaneo che, venduto il proprio latifondo, non saprebbe più che farsene di trattori, trebbiatrici e quant'altro. Using this similarity, of course, as a provocation, but also because I genuinely believe that it is fitting with the condition or dierna of Italian workers. In Italy, where there are large industrial factories, whole towns depend on it in every way. These systems notify the deep culture, daily life, present and future life of the workers, and often are sold, acquired or disposed of in any way no matter who works there. In the same way that the factories give life, take it away. And in many ways. In our world people need to work to survive, and when a place in the workforce is concentrated in a few large companies, workers are dependent for life from them. Become an integral part of the plant and can be disposed of as machines. It 'no use talking about human capital, intellectual resources and expertise, and professionalism to defend and advance workers if we are treated merely as tools to get rid of. In our country, unfortunately, a labor market exists for certain sectors and for medium-high level of expertise. For workers, however, there is only the subjection by the vagaries of the capital and the good wind that pulls the economy. This is the result of a labor policy neglicente little attention to social reality and succumbing to the interests of large industrial companies and families. If a worked Italian king falls, always falls on the floor with your ass.

The noose around the neck of the big industrial cities , referring to the blackmail of employment, may develop in different ways, but to be at risk of strangulation, s ono
always people with their work, with their lives have made great quell'impianto. The most visible and direct than that of the decrease in com pe ness of plants: a time reached the state and taxpayers' money saved both ways, but today, because the laws on competition imposed by the Community European Union, is no longer possible. Fiat, the largest Italian company, is an example of how you can base your project on industrial employment blackmail and state aid. For years, the company has been worn received public money put into practice various forms: layoffs, incentives to scrap vehicles and tax breaks. But today, as the car market is firm, because saturated, closes plants and lays on the pavement in that company who have given their lives.

Another type of blackmail, even more vile and criminal, is the reported pollution caused by industrial sites and the inability to leave potersene as those plants that employ whole city. In practice, some companies are allowed to indiscriminately poison huge areas of land, save filters, on riambientalizzazioni and safety as long as employment levels remain constant. A perverse logic, that, in many cities and towns from which people and victims is very difficult to get rid
. Unfortunately, workers and citizens who live in a city flooded by toxins released into the air, water and food to these industries criminals are forced, against their will, to barter their health with a shred of work and, even more absurd, to thank their executioners. Case Study are those of Ilva Taranto, Italy's largest steelmaker, and the coal plant for Enel North and South Tower Valdaliga in Civitavecchia. These two industrial centers from fifty poison the people who live in the neighborhood and worked re that run the plants. So far, citizenship has not rebelled vigorously because the prospect, without the factory was that of unemployment, but now something seems to be moving and people have understood that the subjection to these companies can be broken. The important thing is not to be left alone to fight against giants like Enel and Ilva. Values \u200b\u200bwould be for protecting the rights of the State, if ours was a real democratic country. Our constitution says that the Republic should ensure equal opportunities for all citizens, and that everyone has the right to health and to live in a healthy environment in order to assist the development of the nation. Clearly, this is more than a constitution, in the hands of our administrators only becomes waste paper, as more people get sick and die to maintain high dividends to shareholders of a few large industrial companies which have had the misfortune of having to entrust the their existence.

In conclusion, the work today in Italy is a mere instrument of enrichment of those who may have them in large quantities, and not those who produce it. The workers, in our wonderful world that is supports the global capitalism, are the ones who carry all the burdens of running the luxurious cabin of a few untrustworthy pigs, and in return receive only poisons, disease, hunger and death. It 's time for things to change. It 's time for someone to pay, and that others have the right hand, because we are becoming a republic founded on injustice.


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