Monday, February 8, 2010

Frostbite On The Tongue Look Like

gloats: Inquiry into the poisons of the central tower Valdaliga north to Civitavecchia (with video delivered anonymously to the environmental forum)

Ross and Louis Anitori Menichilli Events for Left

The enemy is invisible, and when you come into town do not feel the danger. The smokestacks of coal-fired regurgitate tons of air polluting fumes, Civitavecchia and wakes up every morning like nothing had happened. The system of Enel North Tower Valdaliga despite the controversy has been converted to coal and head of Alessio De Sio, former sind aco Forza Italy, who said yes to the fossil, hangs an accusation of corruption. According to the prosecutor Cord ova, who asked his trial, the mayor gave a favorable opinion of the conversion power plant in exchange for contracts and appointments from par you Eni el. Open questions and unsolved problems that mark the fate of a city to cent ro one of Europe's largest energy poles. "Citizens are charged with la vita l’inerzia delle istituzioni». Non ha d ubbi Simona Ricotti, responsabile del Forum Ambientalista locale e già consigliera comunale per Rifondazione Comunista. La qualità della vita a Civitavecchia non è delle migliori: oltre 7mila mw di potenza istallata per un totale di 3 centrali termoelettriche in meno di 20 chilometri, 2 a olio combustibile e una riconvertita a carbone, hanno generato un carico inquinante che ha messo a dura prova la popolazione.

«Un territorio che ha sopportato per 50 anni emissioni simili dovrebbe essere risparmiato dall’ulteriore peso ambientale del carbone - sostiene Mauro Mocci, di Medici per Environment -. Old and new studies have contributed to highlight what we already knew: an excess of deaths and hospitalizations for cancer, respiratory disorders, leukemias and lymphomas. We are on the brink of disaster. " The only central Valdaliga north tower has an installed capacity of 1980 mw ep roduce over 40 thousand tons of ash a year.

What makes the picture bleaker in recent months has also contest the seizure of two central areas of the north tower Valdaliga. "Finally, some workers were protesting," says satisfied with the ricotta. Before the end of the coordination No coke delivered to the Prosecutor 2 movies of the Republic of Civitavecchia, received anonymously, showing irregularities in the management of waste and coal ash in the yard of Central. It the first video images reveal an open dump. Inside the bulldozers move and bury some waste of all kinds: tires, metal, plastic, debris, batteries, glass wool, but also and above all, signed as a special hazardous waste bags. The second clip shows a worker instead, sen za precautions, shoveling a pile of ashes. "Ash Wednesday which, according to Enel, should never have see the light, "explains Simone Ricotti. In the presentation brochure of the plant, the company guarantees that the handling of coal "is absolutely safe," through strips and vacuum sealed to prevent leakage of dust to the outside. " Secon give responsible of Environmental Forum, however, the video shows that 'c dare not. " Enel, which Left requested explanation, for the moment prefer not to answer.

But not all. "The plant now operates without permission and no fa nulla» denuncia Ricotti. Il Forum Ambientalista, contrario al carbone, ha messo in luce alcune ambiguità legate all’iter di approvazione del progetto. «L’autorizzazione integrata ambientale (Aia) che consente il funzionamento dell’impianto è scaduta il 24 dicembre 2008 – spiega la Ricotti -. Il Ministero delle Attività Produttive l’aveva concessa all’Enel nel 2003 e la legge dice che deve essere rinnovata ogni 5 anni, a meno che l’impianto in questione non risulti, all’atto del rilascio dell’autorizzazione, registrato Emas (certificaz ione ambientale europea). Solo in questa eventualità il permesso vale 8 anni, m a non è the Enel case. " The company contends, however, to be in good standing and possess the necessary certification to operate until 2011. "It is true that in 2003, Enel had a EMAS certification - explains the head of the Environmental Forum - but had been issued for another type of plant, the fuel oil that no longer exists' . He adds: "Today, Enel has filed for the renewal of the Hague Conference of services but has yet to be convened. If the rules and regulations were complied with, the central Valdaliga North Tower would not work, just think - continues responsible Forum - that the emissions of carbon monoxide Enel has requested a waiver of more than three times higher than that forecast by the European and national limits. It was granted temporarily. Now we will see with the new renewal Hague what will happen. "

Coordination cok no and tried in every way to block the conversion of the central . Already in April 2002, a technical-scientific committee, appointed by the town of Civitavecchia to study the case, warned about the risks, "the possible release of arsenic, chromium and nickel, and they can be "absorbed by plants and agricultural products intended for." The following year the Town proposed a referendum but with an appeal to the TAR before and then to the State Council, the Enel hindering its development. A revealing view of citizenship was, however, a self-managed referendum where 90 percent of participants (over 11 thousand) was expressed for the no. So did all the neighboring governments, the province of Rome to Viterbo and the Lazio Region led by Piero Marrazzo. The municipality of Rome chose the same line, for fear that the huge amounts of pollutants are poured sulla capitale, rendendo vani gli sforzi per ridurre il particolato già presente in città.

Nel 2004 fu, invece, l a volta del comune di Ladispoli, che ricorse al tribunale di Civitavecchia chiedendo la sospensione dei lavori di riconversione a carbone della centrale termoelettrica. «Alla causa si associarono anche la provincia di Roma, i comuni di Allumiere, Tarquinia, Cerveteri , Legambiente e i Codacons - racconta Mauro Mocci -. La perizia, effettuata su richiesta del giudice, evidenziò che la valutazione di impatto a mbientale con cui si volevano autorizzare i lavori era lacunosa and incomplete, and that if there were re risks to human health. " No Coke now I felt the victory in hand: the report was clear and the court would block the work. On 10 January 2005, however, hearing there was the plot twist, "Enel's lawyers - continues the doctor, expert Part time - brought in a vision document that led the court to block the process." This was the first paragraph of Article 552, contained in the Finance Act 311 of December 30, 2004, commissioned by the then government Berlusconi. "Act passed a few days before and not yet published - s ottolinea Mocci - but that Enel, stranamente, era già a conoscenza». Il provvedimento assegnava tutte le cause e i ricorsi riguardanti l’energia al Tar, sottraendo di fatto la cosa alla competenza del giudice ordinario. A pochi metri dal traguardo, il fronte del No vide sospendere la gara.

A prendere in consegna le ragioni del No l’anno seguente fu Piero Marrazzo. «A pagina 72 del programma elettorale del neocandidato alla presidenza della Regione - spiega Simona Ricotti -, scritto di nostro pugno si leggeva: “Impedire la riconversione a carbone della centrale di Torre Valdaliga Nord”. Ma fu solo un impegno di facciata presto tradito. Marrazzo finì, infatti, per mettere a tacere municipalities that received by Eni the compensation money. " The opposition to coal plant has already lasted 10 years and co-ordination No Coke does not resign. A worry about the inhabitants of the coast , however, is not only the present: "In the pipeline is two assumptions to transform the fourth group of the Central Tower South Valdaliga in an incinerator or reconvert coal - supports Ricotti -. And it is the fear that soon the plant Valdaliga north tower, already converted to coal, can burn percentage of cdr. It would not be the first time. After experimenting on the Fusina plant, Enel is in fact already been granted a decree at the national level, to burn a portion of refuse derived fuel in coal power stations. " The future of Civitavecchia depends on policy decisions but, more importantly, the mobilization of citizenship. "The danger - warned Mocci - is that people get used to the diseases related to environmental damage, which considers cancer a normal thing, the price that must inevitably pay to have a shred of work and eat."

Here's the video, delivered anonymously al Forum ambientalista di Civitavecchia, che testimonia la presenza nel territorio circostante la centrale di Torre Valdaliga nord, di una quantità enorme di ri rifiuti di vario genere, alcuni classificati come speciali.

In quest'altro video, realizzato e consegnato al comitato No coke sempre in forma anonima, si testimonia, invece, come un mucchio di polveri di carbone, che secondo l'Enel non avrebbero mai dovuto essere a contatto con l'aria e ben che meno alla portata dei lavoratori, viene spalato da un operaio, con notevoli rischi per la sua salute, data l'estrema tossicità di quelle polveri (Purtroppo, with the conversion to FLV format, suitable for display on the blog, has lost a lot of quality and the images appear rather blurry)


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