Monday, February 15, 2010

Nike Vapor 2.0 Gloves Fsu

Banana Bread rolls

At Christmas my sister, knowing my visceral love for America and everything 'that is American, gave me a beautiful American cookbook "Bon appetit America the beautiful chain of Guido Tommasi (each recipe is a guarantee!).

Among the many recipes as a first experiment, I tried this the banana bread that I found really delicious ... especially when served with a scoop of ice cream and a drizzle of caramel sauce ...

if you have any strategic ripe banana in the refrigerator ... and do not know how to eat it here ... to you this great idea!


  • 250 grams of flour 150 gr

  • sugar 1 teaspoon baking soda (which I have changed in a bit of baking soda and 1 / 2 packet of baking powder ... I do not particularly like the taste of baking soda in cakes ... I think too much!)

  • a pinch of salt

  • 100 g toasted walnuts and chopped

  • 1 / 2 teaspoon cinnamon

  • 1 / 2 teaspoon nutmeg

  • 3-4 very ripe bananas (about 380 g of pulp)

  • 75 grams of yogurt

  • 2 large eggs (I used 3 small)

  • 85 g butter

  • 1 / 2 cup of coffee expressed

  • to decorate (optional) granulated sugar to taste


  • in a large bowl mix the first seven ingredients and set aside ( photos 2)

  • stir with a wooden spoon into a bowl of bananas (mashed grains previously with a fork), yoghurt, eggs, butter (melted and cooled) e il caffè ( foto 1 )

  • Con una spatola di gomma incorporate delicatamente il composto di banana agli ingredienti secchi finchè sono appena amalgamati e il composto è denso ma non omogeneo ( foto 3-4 )

  • Imburrate e infarinate il fondo e le pareti di uno stampo da plumcake antiaderente e versatevi all'interno il composto ottenuto ( foto 5 ) e spolverate la superficie con abbondante granella di zucchero ( foto 6 )

  • infornate (forno preriscaldato a 180-190 gradi) e lasciate cuocere il vostro dolce per circa 55 minuti

  • a cottura ultimata, fate raffreddare il dolce nello stampo per 5 minuti e poi trasferitelo su una griglia...

  • servitelo tiepido con del gelato (come ho fatto io) o a colazione a temperatura ambiente con un formaggio spalmabile (come da tradizione americana!)

Buon dolce americano a tutti!

:-) Roby


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