Monday, February 22, 2010

Dallas Free Eye Clinic


Questa è una semplicissima ma gustosa ricetta per preparare dei classici involtini di carne...a noi è piaciuta davvero tantissimo...spero possa piacere anche a voi! La preparazione is very fast ... the success, as always, e'assicurato!

Serves 2:

  • 6 slices of thinly sliced \u200b\u200bpork loin (3 per skewer)

  • 6 slices of ham or bacon

  • bread crumbs (I used bread crumbs to top box that I made lightly toasted in a frying pan) - the breading to bread crumbs remain 'more' consisting of the classic breading with the simple bread crumbs

  • extra virgin olive oil salt to taste

  • wanting (they will be even more '!!!)... delicious taste of cheese to be placed inside (dairy, asiago, fontina, provolone, smoked cheese .. . what 'you prefer)


  • first ... beat lightly with a meat mallet, the slices of pork loin (will be more' tender and cook more 'fast!)

  • rub pork loin slices on both sides with plenty of olive oil ( photos 1)

  • then move the slices in bread crumbs ( Photo 2-3) on both sides!

  • train rolls lying ... then a slice of ham or bacon, a strip of cheese and roll up the meat on the skewer sticks, wooden skewers

  • in a nonstick pan, large enough to sit the skewers, put a little 'olive oil and when hot cook your meat skewers (about 5-7 minutes per side) ... until they are golden brown! (4 photos )

  • serve immediately!

Bon appetit! ;-) Roby

nb I half 'cooking them I shaded with a white wine goccino!


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