Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What Does It Mean When The Bili

Monteneo di Bisaccia, local elections 2010: Di Pietro lost his house, and the air is not right

After 25 years of unchallenged domination of the left came to Montenero di Bisaccia is realized that che tutti, o quasi, si aspettavano: la vittoria del centro-destra e del suo candidato sindaco, Nicola Travaglini. Il centro-sinistra è arrivato all’appuntamento elettorale spaccato, lacerato e in preda al consueto raptus masochista che affligge tutta la sinistra italiana: «meglio perdere che vincere insieme a te», con il «te» che varia di volta in volta. Con tali premesse neanche la carismatica figura di Antonio Di Pietro, che faceva da sfondo alla lista guidata dal suo partito, l’Idv, e che candidava alla carica di sindaco la dottoressa Margherita Rosati, ha potuto fare nulla. L’erosione di voti patita alla propria sinistra, a vantaggio della lista guidata da Pino Chiappini, appoggiata da una parte del Pd locale e dagli altri partiti di sinistra, è stata letale. Insieme, sommando i voti avrebbero vinto (Travaglini 2192 voti; Rosati 1832; Chiappini 608), ma il se si sa di chi è il paradiso e dunque lasciamo perdere. Il dato incontrovertibile, già rilevato alle elezioni comunali del 2000, è che il partito guidato da Antonio Di Pietro non ha la forza elettorale per governare da solo il comune adriatico. Sarebbe il momento di farsene una ragione e di iniziare, da subito, a tessere di nuovo la tela delle alleanze, tranne se non si vuole lasciare la guida del comune per 20 anni in mano alla destra.

Il neo-eletto sindaco di centodestra, Nicola Travaglini

right? I forgot, there is no right to Montenero.
There is certainly a part of the electorate that tends more to that part but, according to at least look at the makeup of the new administration, one can not but note that three elected officials, including the third best rated are the remains of old administration, the most unpopular and criticized montenerese history. While there is the political mess left by the fact that, between extremes of consistency and uncompromising pomposity, has jumped a tank sull'alluce, the other can admire a beautiful semi-living nature, made of vegetables and flowers gone bad trying to bloom. There is no doubt that this election is the determining factor was the ability to synthesize and cynicism of the right, with good reason that took advantage of the IDV senility, he tured nose and accepted with open arms of six candidates 'outgoing administration, much criticized as instrumental in bringing grist to the mill, or detention, to Travaglini.

must now see if there is convergence of interests between the new majority among its ranks who receives one of the worst political figures of the last montenerese twenty years, and that the former mayor Pinuccio D'Ascenzo, an early morning, to be photographed smiling with the newly elected Travaglini. In other words: the old man out the door, but invariably falls out the window. D'Ascenzo, after two terms, come foaming at the mouth at the end of his term could not ask for more can continue to count for something in politics montenerese, given the consensus of hemorrhage suffered in recent years. It took a stroke of genius (or ass), arrived with the usual bickering and irrationality of the left. We hope to be able Travaglini shoulders broad enough to withstand the pressures that will suffer a bit 'on all sides, and she can bring a breath of fresh air in politics, decrepit, in this country. Yes, because besides all the political considerations that can be done, the fact remains indisputable, that Montenero di Bisaccia is a small village, where the matter of patronage and dispensing favors to get to govern. This means that if today, in somewhat fortuitous, the right wing came to power in five years, when that same power will be consolidated through favors, patronage and, hopefully, good governance, will be much harder for the left , and also avoid strategic errors, to accommodate its own man / woman on the Mayor's chair. In a town so small administration also means playing the consensus and votes. I'm not saying absolutely that this new administration, where I find there are really capable people, will do everything except the good of the country, indeed. I'm just doing an objective consideration, that the Left parties should start doing immediately. Montenero, before the 25-year rule left the country was a Democrat, in which the Christian Democrats reproduced its consent through the government of the territory: in the right way, wrong, clear, murky, I'm not judging this. The same has happened to the Left parties during the quarter of a century in which they operated and the same will happen now that the right to govern (or whatever). So good luck to the new administration and the opposition, legs and shoulder work. To be ready in five years, at the next elections, perhaps less intransigent and conceited now.


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