Sunday, April 4, 2010

Should I Join Lifetime Fitness

Golgotha \u200b\u200b

L'altro giorno di festa si mostra nelle scritte e nelle voci innocenti degli inganni fatti con dolcezza.
Nella solitudine della casa sporca, nel silenzio del pavimento avvilito da una leggero fango indegno di Cristo, nei parenti lontani, nei ricordi della pasqua di molti anni fa, vissuta con vestiti nuovi ed estranei, quando uscivo dalla cattedrale sotto un sole che ancora era un sole d'aprile e un caldo che annunciava una resurrezione dall'inverno, con la testa zeppa di passioni artificiali ecclesiastiche, con la testa di bambino sforzata a capire dove fosse l'uscita dei discorsi di quella veste bianca, annego festeggiando giorni migliori, giĆ  morti. Allora dov'era il peccato da cui salvarsi, dove'era the sin of a child? Perhaps only in the innocence of thought, thought that life early, at dawn, just waking up from death, so pure, so little contaminated, so you can still ask the way, so you can still learn the way to a temple. Under a promise of salvation always renewed and never granted, where it was Christ who was, after the Passover, renewing its existence? This got worse until it is in precarious and squalor of a quiet apartment in a city of art hanging in its beauty. And so, looking at all the women who died did not have all the work that I've struggled, all the achievements that I have grossed, choked all the promises of life, celebrate the silence of a poorly furnished apartment by closed shutters and dark, and drink all his loneliness. Drunken toast to love again aborted the happiness away, the Passover of our Lord and the universe silent about Italy, refugee away to celebrate all of its power in a living room not accessible to people without hope, in the luxury of eternity. Go
you who have hopes of salvation, go and sing all of your obsession.
Sale of heroin as a pear hope that the joy of a timeless feel, the joy of giving with a smile, kind words unreal. Wide-eyed, white teeth and friendly, reassuring voice ringing, calls to the joy of artifice. The darkness of salvation toxic without such evidence, wrapped in a crispy shell and bright all the pain of a man is capable, and puts it in the living room, saying: come and we are ordinary men happy here there's nothing like the decadent life or things like that , here is the feast, the feast, all the amnesia of the event.
Malinconico proclaim worthy of salvation, undeniably human. The facts fade away from the idea. The sun of Jerusalem is much milder than this rain.


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