Sunday, May 16, 2010

Burning In Collarbone


PHOTO: Former Yugoslavia on the left, 90, on the right a Nazi concentration camp

The day of remembrance.

"Manhunt in the streets of Rome.
Hunting usurper Jew living space, the Jew that impoverishes us with his greed, hunt for Jews that one day over and govern prederà our nations, segregation. "

"Jew. Stranger."

Memory, clearly and firmly despise those episodes very specific: the hunt for Jews, and his murder, the extermination of the intruder.

"He can not enter.
Hit the shops."

The memory itself is as barren as a stone monuments "to people." The story without elaboration is dead matter, because history does not come back in exactly the same forms. The executioners have the same names every year and the massacre is not called every day holocaust. The executioners are not always defeated, there are always others to us.
In fact, many of us were hunters of men.
What happened in those years? How did this happen? What happened is that something has moved from the bottom of men. The barbarism exploded and disappeared with the end of the war was only asleep. In each of us dozing on a SS ask that we shall divide every 27 January. Each of us is able to persecute, torture, kill, deport. Each of us must ask that this potential is the potential of every person.
In our streets, hatred, suspicion, desire for persecution?
In our quiet streets do not get the voices of the daily massacres, thousands of shoah flowers from Africa to the Balkans, from Chile to Lampedusa.
hunting aliens and the Holocaust?
starving peoples and the Holocaust? Yo,
effects of peacekeeping / peace are wars of the Shoah?

Everything has a price to be somewhere else in the world, so our gestures, our wealth, our peace. Enter any momentum in the world system has consequences and a state of affairs is due to the reactions avutesi or already in progress. So opening my refrigerator filled dropped a bomb on the other side of the planet, starve thousands of living beings, cruelly kill creatures. Open the refrigerator and I apply mass murder. In there there the booty, a treasure stolen. Leaving the house I go to the bar, have a coffee, chat with someone. No sniper today stopped me. With this I can also do the shopping. I turn on my car and a group of hunting lifts off. I turn on the light and a forest catches fire. I put the pan on the stove and pigs somewhere start yelling voice frighteningly similar to that of humans.
Whenever I judge another culture a phosphorous bomb explodes.

someone insists, never destroyed. Someone insists peacekeeping missions - export of civilization, democracy. But it does not seem to live among us. But it has no evidence of what he says.

L'olocausto è solo ebraico o accomuna molti popoli nel corso della storia? L'olocausto è una presenza costante nella storia e dunque nella nostra vita? L'olocausto è il prezzo da pagare per il progresso? L'olocausto è frutto di forze barbare che di tanto in tanto riaffiorano nella storia? Occorre abituarsi alla presenza di questi fatti? Stiamo rimuovendo episodi e negando la loro presenza costante, dicendo a noi stessi che non accadrà mai più? Cos'è e dov'è l'olocausto? Abbiamo abolito la schiavitù? Il colonialismo è finito? Quali uomini perseguitano altri uomini e dove? Coloro che parteciparono alle persecuzioni ebraiche erano folli? Lo fecero solo dei soldati? Perchè molti nazisti non have denied? Because many people have continued to deny the veracity of certain facts, including those who entered the death camps after the war to see with their eyes? Because what is crazy for us, atrocious, absurd, for others it was fair or right? A last question the answer is not madness, too simple, too hasty to conclude the matter.

Meanwhile, if I look out the window, I see the action of phosphorus or memory.


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