Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Free P90x Vidoes Online

ricotta cannoli cream

Some time ago I did a course of pastries a few hours, but very intensive, where, among other things prepared we have taught to do these fabulous guns!

I did not think were that simple and that the end result was so satisfying!

Excellent ... as those taken in the bakery! Guaranteed!


  • puff pastry (preferably in rectangular format ... you will have less waste!)
  • chantilly cream or plain custard

  • sugar water to taste granulated qb

  • hazelnut taste

metal cones to give shape to guns or tubes, like my ... you get with tubes 2 cannoncini alla volta!


  • preparate la crema secondo la mia ricetta o secondo la ricetta che preferite!...potete farcirli anche con semplice crema pasticcera (io preferisco la chantilly!)

  • srotolate la pasta sfoglia e tagliate delle lunghe strisce di pasta larghe circa 1,5 cm

  • prendete un cono di metallo, o tubicini di metallo appositi per cannoncini, e con delicatezza, partendo dall'estremità arrotolate bene la pasta sfoglia su di esso (mi raccomando...non devono rimanere buchi! anche le estremità, nel caso adoperiate appunto il tubicino per fare 2 cannoncini in turn, must be coated with batter!)

here, below, looks like the tube well covered by the puff pastry (although the two ends are well covered with pasta!)


  • engrave with a sharp knife gently, in mid-tube (to get two guns in fact!), The pastry

  • with a soft brush to brush the surface of the gun (on the just the top) with some water and go (the wet), then in granulated sugar

  • put the guns on a baking tray lined with baking paper (the part with the sugar will stay up please!), and bake! Bake it at 200 degrees for 10-15 minutes until the guns are golden brown and the sugar is slightly caramelized (not burnt!)

  • when cooked gently pull out the guns still hot from the metal tube (for this operation help yourself with a pair of kitchen gloves or a towel to avoid burns your fingers!) and let them cool on a wire rack

  • once ... cool stuff the guns, with the aid of a syringe for a few sweet-sac, with the cream ... and complete via the tip of your gun in hazelnuts (as nella seconda foto in alto) e riponeteli in frigorifero fino al momento del consumo!

consiglio: farcite i cannoncini poco prima di consumarli...la cialda rimarra' piu' croccante (la crema tendera' infatti a renderli piuttosto umidi!)

Ovviamente con questo procedimento si potrebbero preparare anche dei cannoncini salati , omettendo quindi il passaggio nello zucchero semolato, e farcendoli con una crema di formaggio morbido o con quello che la fantasia vi suggerisce!

Alla prossima ricetta!

:-) Roby


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