Wednesday, May 26, 2010

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Each community, or rather the leaders of each community, they choose to identify with the values, or values \u200b\u200bthat have greater utility for survival, nutrition, and perseverance of its own constitution "physical", ie acts to maintain and continue the state of affairs. Values, like any other physical or abstract entities, are an instrument of hegemony. Values \u200b\u200bare intellectual and abstract and is transmitted through the means of spreading the concept, such as newspapers, radio, TV, records, books, cinema. Tutti "oggetti" tangibili e intangibili della trasmissione dell'educazione.
Il capitalismo e i governi "democratici" si occupano della produzione di un loro materiale, e per l'influenza dell'economia capitalistica sia sull'organizzazione e i gruppi della politica, sia sulla produzione astratta e materiale dei contenuti, operano la diffusione di un loro mondo prediletto. Il procedimento come sa bene chiunque abbia un minimo di cognizione storica, è stato graduale. Quando una trentina di anni fa i risultati della resa individualistica delle comunità "occidentali" ha dato i primi frutti vistosi, è esplosa l'insofferenza e la lotta, ma questo procedimento, come denunciava l'amato e oggi di moda Pasolini, ha radici much more distant: the war. But a more in-depth historical analysis could easily assert that the fold in a human dimension individualistic and subjective has a much broader curve, already in motion during the European revolutions and fascism, and the rise of capitalism, and sides now seem gaudy and cumbersome that they are not curved in an introspective dimension - yet the next step - the contemporary man. All this of course is reflected in the weave and how it feeds in the culture. It is clearly visible the state of affairs in the arts: psychology, life, objects, things are treated in the narratives of the person, the small entity considered in the news the facts. Challenging this state of affairs, because of the historical moment is a moment of hegemony in production, has the flavor of the lament of the defeated.
say that today there is no validity in any sense of literature is to tell a lie, but the principle applies today more than ever, so something is not visible is one thing that does not exist, we are forced to say that our eyes, the landscape is bleak. Of course, for reasons of education and stimulate the modern man is potentially more capable of implementing major reflections, complex, to have a more sophisticated and critical to the reality than in the past, but because of the shape of social relations, all this remains locked in the individual dimension, which can occur without a thorough flow of useful information, although the means are there. Anyone who wants to propose or discuss issues, propose always to a limited circle of individuals who are also a reflection of the contacts he has in the real world, plus a number of contacts unexpected "shift" in that virtual place where the discussion is proposal. The situation of those "reasons" in itself is similar to that of an embryo that is forever in its container. It is pure untapped potential.
As should now load compartments of the noble meanings of literary genres, the cages of the same gender are inherently inefficient, dictatorships of the form that prevent normal communication. The problem lies not only in form but in taste and constantly seeks, is nourished and to which it is based, which makes it unsuitable for any variant, although they are numerous. This is the case of yellow and noir. The kinds of cages are a compromise which can not be attributed to the subject if you want to conduct a literature sincere. It is a compromise that may relate to the producers and sellers, but not the souls of the literature, namely the authors.
The relationship with reality can not be secondary in contemporary literature, although the time to suggest an escape from this. The responsibility of intellectuals is great: one can not ignore or do not work for participation in the life, as in real life there is a constant work of administration of meanings in the opposite direction to the sincerity that can only be countered with reason. Unfortunately, the action on the things of life through literature is almost exclusively the texts of journalists, writers prefer to ramble in short stories from the borders and sadly related to privacy. The squalor is great.
The letters must rediscover the relationship with reality. This involves the comparison on a fundamental level, namely on the main instrument of management in contemporary reality: the use of the word. This can not be left in the hands of power or the market because it generates the word man and history.
The rediscovery of applications is also essential as a precondition of knowledge and inspiration. And knowing is a tool that enables them to act, speak, exist. Let the kings of the earth is to know and deal with suicide.
literature in the past has shown that it can touch and show things otherwise unknowable, only to witness the work of the hermetic. How can you ignore such a potential inherent in man?
Also as you can let the work, the action, the figure of people in the past becomes a myth, almost turning the consultation in prayer? This process has a religious flavor, shifts from the rational level - the natural to the intellect - to the irrational product of the mind. Contemplating excludes the discussion and makes vain any great work of human discovery. Imagine what would happen if every great scientific discovery, humanity had stopped to contemplate the figure of the man who has given birth and had not re-used that material to proceed further.
In conclusion, the new generations of writers and intellectuals should not be afraid to discuss real, they were born for this. Still too few cases of brave men who defy the word power and do not do autopsies on reality. The story goes ride not sustained.


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