Thursday, October 28, 2010

Hernia Stomach Belts Located In Palm Springs

Questa e' una semplicissima torta...da "Pucci" as defined by my husband ... one of those cakes for breakfast, to go with your coffee 'or your cup of milk! this time no decoration and no hardworking bunch of cream but just a cake with a nice effect "zebra" inside! For the dough I used the recipe for black and white donut Laura Ravaioli (chef of the Gambero Rosso Channel ... for those who do not know it!) With some small and personal change (I reduced a little 'the amount' of sugar and butter and I used yogurt instead of milk). The result 'was really just a cake ... soft and flexible, you can, among other things, store in a cupboard for several days ... as long as it remains un pezzettino!!! Dai...allora provatela e fatemi sapere...a noi e' piaciuta molto! ;-) 

Ingredienti (per una tortiera da 26cm):

  • 300 gr di farina 00
  • 220 gr di zucchero (io ne ho messi 200 gr)
  • 170 ml di latte (io ho utilizzato 150 ml di yogurt bianco "muller"- 1 vasetto e 1/2 circa - e qualche cucchiaio di latte)
  • 120 gr di burro (io ne ho used 100 gr)
  • 4 eggs
  • 3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa
  • 1 tablespoon baking
  • a pinch of salt

  1. put in a bowl with the egg shell sugar and a pinch of salt (1 photo) and with an electric mixer (I used the planetary) assembled to the mixture well (2 photos )
  2. add the warm melted butter and then the sifted flour with the yeast (3 photos ) and with the help of a spatula, gently work the dough
  3. add a few tablespoons of yogurt and milk
  4. when the dough is' well mixed and smooth (4 photos ) divide into two parts and add in the sifted cocoa powder (5 photos ) ... if you need to add a couple more tablespoons of milk chocolate to the mix that with the addition of cocoa will result 'most certainly' thick!
  5. then obtained the two composite (picture 6 ) lined with paper baking your cake and buttered and floured boards ... at this point started to pour 2 tablespoons of mixture in the center clear alternative to 2 tablespoons dark compost on top of each other ... (7 photos ) always in the center of the cake sovapponendoli ( 8 photos)! I recommend not leveled the mixture and beat the cake ... the dough will distribute 'alone slowly ...
  6. hour bake your cake in forno preriscaldato (funzione statica...non ventilata!)a 180° per circa 40-45 minuti (fate la prova dello stecchino per verificare la cottura)...lasciatela intiepidire su di una gratella e...buona colazione!

alla prossima ricetta! Roby

n.b.: secondo me si potrebbe preparare questa torta con la collaborazione dei vostri divertiranno a determination of the two bodies and will be amazed to see the final effect "stripes" of the inside!

Flaky Skin With Hair Loss On Dogs

Greetings Diego Maradona turns 50

Il più grande di sempre senza se e senza ma. Con tutte le sue contraddizioni. Move with a ball between your feet is not for everyone.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Where Is Macbeth Today?

The central ghost

Ross Anitori for Earth

COLLEFERRO. Full environmental alarm, the Valle del Sacco said yes to a new gas turbine. Without that citizens become aware, the process of approving the project came to an end.

ll Colleferro puzzle is complete. Last central piece is a gas turbine plant for electricity generation fueled by methane released into the atmosphere, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and particulates. A technology widely criticized for the risks derived from emissions of fine and ultrafine particles. A quick rise in the locality of Valle Secola, direction Artena. Close to the village. Two kilometers from the incinerator, the chimneys of the cement and the rest of the establishments of an industrial center that has poisoned the Valle del Sacco. Without the public knowing it, the approval process

action of the plant came to an end. "We knew nothing of the same happening - says Valleriani Tree, spokesman Retuvasa, Network for the Protection of the Valle del Sacco - and we found ourselves confronted with this threat when the game had been played by now. "

citizens denounced the "silence of the institutions' at all levels:" How can we intervene on the issues affecting the future of our city if no one undertakes to inform us? "Asks Valleriani. According to the Network says, the City of Colleferro no effort was made to publish on its website the warning about the project being approved and the committee is aware of the issue when the time for action had expired. "The Secosvim spa, poponente which already manages the supply of the former industrial area Bpd - says Valleriani - have filed the papers project at the Town Hall on February 20, 2009. In the midst of an environmental emergency. Only a month earlier, the mayor of Colleferro, Mario Caccamo (elected for a center-right Civic Party), had reassured the public by saying that "would never have given his consent" to build the power station gas turbines. "

The game is played almost all of the gas turbine in the months after the umpteenth warning of environment and health that has shaken the residents of Valle del Sacco. Also in January and February of 2009, the results of a study on the state of health of residents, led by the Department of Epidemiology ASL Rome E confirmed what had long remained the only suspect is the territory as a whole showed a picture of mortality and morbidity worse than the rest of Lazio, mainly due to the long career of industrial complex.

Even worse, in March, the city discovered that the waste incineration plant is operated in a criminal: all the ovens burning with serious damage to the environment and seriously affecting people's health . Colleferro feeling the pinch, but still not enough after just two months, in fact, part of the authorization process to build the power station gas turbines. Authorities called to express their views on the work you all for voting yes and practice moves quickly from one office to another. The plant will replace the one currently in operation in the district of having and will provide energy for other industrial sites. A decree is the final approval of the Conference of the services of 11 December 2009. Appeal, however, at least from the analysis of the stenographic report of the meeting, missing two key players: the local health authority and Arpa Lazio.

"How can one issue a license without the opinion of one of the main controlling bodies such as the Harp ' Network protection is sought in the Valle del Sacco. Adds Valeriani "Because the municipal administration of Colleferro not asked the local health jurisdiction of (RMG) to report on the impact to public health?". In the face of controversy, last week the mayor met the project developers and associations (with the exception of the City of Artena However, in spite of himself involved in this matter for reasons of geographical proximity), decided the suspension of work for 7 days .

At the suggestion of a councilor, Leo Ferrari, was charged the National Research Council in judging the desirability of the system taking into account the context. But for environmental groups attive nel territorio non si tratta che di una magra consolazione: «Cercare di includere i cittadini nelle decisioni da assumere con l’autorizzazione già rilasciata, - scrivono in una nota - rappresenta tutto, tranne la restituzione del diritto leso». Ora, secondo i comitati, non resta molto da fare: «Due gli scenari possibili - dicono - o revocare l’autorizzazione pagando un risarcimento milionario a favore della società proponente, oppure tenere la borsa chiusa e scaricare il danno su ambiente e salute».

Ma Colleferro non ci sta. «Stiamo valutando con i nostri legali la possibilità - spiegano i Comitati - di sollecitare l’apertura di una procedura d’infrazione contro l’Italia da the Directorate General Environment of the European Commission for initiating the permitting procedures in clear violation of Directive 2003/04. The Network refers to the Aarhus Convention which provides for the right to participation of citizens in public decisions on the environment. Colleferro ended in an impasse that could have been avoided. According to the associations, the development of renewable energy plants, would solve the problems of demand for industrial areas, without the problems associated with coercion of a turbo gas power station. "To be the epicenter of an environmental emergency, having polluted water, air and land, undermined the health of citizens, rather than provoke guilt and concrete changes di rotta, sembra diventare quasi un titolo di merito - dicono dalla Rete dei Tutela della Valle del Sacco -. Gli errori del passato vengono usati come un alibi per commetterne altri, assicurando ancora una volta, solo gli interessi di pochi a danno dell’intera collettività».

Internal Yeast Infection

The Saharawi, a people in struggle

La storia dei sahrāwī, popolazione residente nel sahara occidentale marocchino, è comune a molti altri gruppi etnici o culturali che ancora oggi non hanno avuto la possibilità di autodeterminarsi ed avere un proprio stato. E, come tante altre vicende di guerra e ribellione, la maledizione è nascosta proprio in quella terra tanto amata e ambita: in this case the demons are called phosphates, of which the territory is rich, and which Morocco has no intention of giving up. Even the Spaniards during the colonial period had used their last fields, and despite tacit consent to the creation of a state organization in the hands of Western Sahara, the pressures of King Hassan II of Morocco had the best, preventing the independence of the Saharan population .

We in 1973, and 13 years have passed by the UN resolution 1514, which recognized the right to independence for the peoples of colonized countries and to 10 by the inclusion of Western Sahara, then a English colony, the list of countries from decolonization. The May 10 of that year Polisario (Frente Popular de Liberación de Saguia el Hamra y Río de Oro) organized its first founding congress and Spain, in order to organize the referendum which will confirm the willingness of the Sahrawi people, the largest cultural group resident in the area of \u200b\u200bself-determination, make a census of the population. The independence of Western Sahara, however, is totally against Morocco, which in the person of its king, Hassan II, is opposed to this happening, arriving to organize what is known to history come la "marcia verde", l'ingresso di ben 350 mila marocchini, preceduti da 25 mila soldati, nella zona e il contestuale inizio delle operazioni di guerriglia da parte del fronte Polisario.
Nonostante di facciata la Spagna avesse riconfermato il proprio avallo all'indipendenza dei saharawi, segretamente giunse ad un accordo con il Marocco e la Mauritania che si spartirono la zona dando inizio così a decenni di lotta e sofferenze per il popolo dei saharawi. Dal 1979 la Mauritania si è tirata fuori dalla contesa, riconoscendo la Repubblica Democratica Araba dei Saharawi, RASD, fondata dai resistenti, e di fatto delegando completamente al Marocco la continuazione della guerra. Negli anni il conflitto ha portato a migliaia di profughi fuggiti in fields located mostly 'in Algeria, and in 1991, to organize the referendum for independence ever held, it has come to a UN-administered cease-fire, which sent humanitarian delegation to Western Sahara ( MINURSO) with responsibility for supervising the truce. The UN mission today, including several extensions, try to get to the coveted referendum, but the situation, especially in refugee camps in Algeria, has remained the same.

Raffaele Petralli, photographer, in May this year he has traveled between the Saharan and collected the images and voices. These are just some of the photos taken during his stay in refugee camps in the Algerian territory.

Saharawi women protesting after some political activists, who went in Algerian refugee camps, were killed by Moroccan police on their return home. Women have a very important role in Saharawi culture, and they have delegated many tasks including, of course, public protests. Many of them have become doctors, nurses or teachers, and all through the transmission of knowledge. Whenever one of them learns to do a job their skills are immediately shared.

Ajknete Sidi Mohamed el choirs 80 years said: "I'm 20 years who live in refugee camps in Algeria. My niece was born the day after the march Green when we were forced to flee. I made myself come, since we had no doctor with us. From that day I have helped many other women to give birth, often in situations of absolute insecurity. When the UN entered the conflict cease the violence and something has changed. But their promise on the referendum for independence have all been betrayed. We are still here for 20 years waiting to have our state, but so far tutto è rimasto uguale al giorno della marcia verde>>.

Ziara, 24 anni e 7 fratelli, lavora come cantante e ballerina in giro per i campi profughi. Di lei dice: "so che la guerra è brutta, perchè porta morte e distruzione, ma non abbiamo altra scelta. Una volta sposata voglio avere solo figli maschi, per mandarli in guerra a combattere".

L'attesa nel deserto

Guerriglieri giovani e meno giovani del fronte Polisario, che da anni si batte per il raggiungimento dell'autodeterminazione del popolo saharawi

Tutte le foto sono state scattate da Raffaele Petralla

Some useful links for further reading on this topic:

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Effects Of Metathione

Zebra Cake Meatballs Eggplant

These meatballs eggplant with heart melted cheese ... will be an excellent main course or in miniature a great appetizer to accompany your drinks!

Also suitable for children or husbands (like mine) that I do not like vegetables ... but this "camouflage" to eat for sure! ;-)

Within each dumpling I inserted a piece of fontina cheese to make them even more 'tasty and delicious (you can use any type of cheese ... anything you like! Avoid even the mozzarella in baking releases plenty of water!)

I've cooked in the oven instead of frying them ... will be so much more 'to read but very tasty! Try it!


  • eggplants 2 long (in my photos are already 'been baked!)

  • 2 tablespoons of bread crumbs (more' bread crumbs to taste for the breading)

  • 2 tablespoons grated pecorino

  • 2 eggs

  • extra virgin olive oil to taste

  • salt and pepper qb

  • choice to taste cheese (fontina, smoked cheese, dairy ... anything you like!)

  • 1 clove garlic (optional)


  • wash the eggplant, pat dry, place them in a dish wrapped in aluminum foil (one picture ) and bake at 180 degrees for 30 minutes

  • peel the eggplant cool, squeeze the pulp well (2 photos ) and shake (picture 3 )

  • add the eggs , bread crumbs, pecorino cheese and the garlic clove, finely chopped (if like) photo 4, then salt, pepper, mix well to the mixture and let rest for 30 minutes (5 photos )

  • taken a bit 'of compound , roll it between your hands and form a groove (6 photos ) to hold a cube of cheese (7 photos ) ... compacted meatballs (I have the slightly crushed) and coat in breadcrumbs (8 photos )

  • arrange the meatballs on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper (9 photos ) and sprinkle with a little ' olive oil with the aid of a pastry brush (10 photos )

  • cook the meatballs at 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes until they are golden brown on both sides and Bon appetit!

the next recipe!


Monday, October 11, 2010

Pokemon Soul Silver Rom English For Mac


Rivarolo Leaving on descent leading to the bridge on 'Orco, a night of rain and fog, I passed by for the first time Zeta. It was like me, dressed similarly, imbaccuccato in a large coat and a beret pulled down on his head, had my own pace, but it was a skeleton, maybe mine. At that time I was madly in love with a brunette with bangs named Duna. I was already sixteen, but when I was with her, my shyness was huge and paralyzing. Duna was my girlfriend, but she did not know. I never dared tell him. The dream at night and on foggy days. There was war and I thought I would die first, so she would meet one night my ghost deck Orc. Then I drew my ghost imagining how he would have seen her. Rain and fog, autumn and winter in time of war. I began to see her as a beautiful widow, dressed in purple with fin de siecle "with two enormous eyes that glowed in the dark blacks, and neck with an OVAL-ceramic portrait photos of the deceased (who was me).
(dai diari inediti di Alessandri, 1944)