Monday, October 18, 2010

Internal Yeast Infection

The Saharawi, a people in struggle

La storia dei sahrāwī, popolazione residente nel sahara occidentale marocchino, è comune a molti altri gruppi etnici o culturali che ancora oggi non hanno avuto la possibilità di autodeterminarsi ed avere un proprio stato. E, come tante altre vicende di guerra e ribellione, la maledizione è nascosta proprio in quella terra tanto amata e ambita: in this case the demons are called phosphates, of which the territory is rich, and which Morocco has no intention of giving up. Even the Spaniards during the colonial period had used their last fields, and despite tacit consent to the creation of a state organization in the hands of Western Sahara, the pressures of King Hassan II of Morocco had the best, preventing the independence of the Saharan population .

We in 1973, and 13 years have passed by the UN resolution 1514, which recognized the right to independence for the peoples of colonized countries and to 10 by the inclusion of Western Sahara, then a English colony, the list of countries from decolonization. The May 10 of that year Polisario (Frente Popular de Liberación de Saguia el Hamra y Río de Oro) organized its first founding congress and Spain, in order to organize the referendum which will confirm the willingness of the Sahrawi people, the largest cultural group resident in the area of \u200b\u200bself-determination, make a census of the population. The independence of Western Sahara, however, is totally against Morocco, which in the person of its king, Hassan II, is opposed to this happening, arriving to organize what is known to history come la "marcia verde", l'ingresso di ben 350 mila marocchini, preceduti da 25 mila soldati, nella zona e il contestuale inizio delle operazioni di guerriglia da parte del fronte Polisario.
Nonostante di facciata la Spagna avesse riconfermato il proprio avallo all'indipendenza dei saharawi, segretamente giunse ad un accordo con il Marocco e la Mauritania che si spartirono la zona dando inizio così a decenni di lotta e sofferenze per il popolo dei saharawi. Dal 1979 la Mauritania si è tirata fuori dalla contesa, riconoscendo la Repubblica Democratica Araba dei Saharawi, RASD, fondata dai resistenti, e di fatto delegando completamente al Marocco la continuazione della guerra. Negli anni il conflitto ha portato a migliaia di profughi fuggiti in fields located mostly 'in Algeria, and in 1991, to organize the referendum for independence ever held, it has come to a UN-administered cease-fire, which sent humanitarian delegation to Western Sahara ( MINURSO) with responsibility for supervising the truce. The UN mission today, including several extensions, try to get to the coveted referendum, but the situation, especially in refugee camps in Algeria, has remained the same.

Raffaele Petralli, photographer, in May this year he has traveled between the Saharan and collected the images and voices. These are just some of the photos taken during his stay in refugee camps in the Algerian territory.

Saharawi women protesting after some political activists, who went in Algerian refugee camps, were killed by Moroccan police on their return home. Women have a very important role in Saharawi culture, and they have delegated many tasks including, of course, public protests. Many of them have become doctors, nurses or teachers, and all through the transmission of knowledge. Whenever one of them learns to do a job their skills are immediately shared.

Ajknete Sidi Mohamed el choirs 80 years said: "I'm 20 years who live in refugee camps in Algeria. My niece was born the day after the march Green when we were forced to flee. I made myself come, since we had no doctor with us. From that day I have helped many other women to give birth, often in situations of absolute insecurity. When the UN entered the conflict cease the violence and something has changed. But their promise on the referendum for independence have all been betrayed. We are still here for 20 years waiting to have our state, but so far tutto è rimasto uguale al giorno della marcia verde>>.

Ziara, 24 anni e 7 fratelli, lavora come cantante e ballerina in giro per i campi profughi. Di lei dice: "so che la guerra è brutta, perchè porta morte e distruzione, ma non abbiamo altra scelta. Una volta sposata voglio avere solo figli maschi, per mandarli in guerra a combattere".

L'attesa nel deserto

Guerriglieri giovani e meno giovani del fronte Polisario, che da anni si batte per il raggiungimento dell'autodeterminazione del popolo saharawi

Tutte le foto sono state scattate da Raffaele Petralla

Some useful links for further reading on this topic:


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