Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Camila Rodrigues Pic Trans Camila Rodrigues? ?

Bertolaso \u200b\u200bdenounced the militarization of the machine of aid to Haiti, but is now called to order

Ebbene si, sono d'accordo
con quello che ha detto Bertolaso riguardo alla situazione degli aiuti ad Haiti. Non l'avrei mai detto ma, nella vita si sà, c'è sempre una prima volta. In questo caso il Boss Italian civil protection only showed what is a fact: in the small Caribbean island most of the population affected by the earthquake has not yet received any help. And the growing tension that is being generated among the people is a direct result of this strange situation. Yesterday, even the UN peacekeepers were attacked by an angry mob, looking for the distribution of certain foodstuffs. From the images provided on this site Republic Republic ( click here to watch the video ) is clearly the gap between the amount of food and people waiting for him. This situation is tanto più assurda se si pensa che gl i aiuti finora giunti ad Haiti danno la possibilità di rifornire molte più persone di quelle che effettivamente ne stanno beneficiando. Allora perchè? Disorganizzazione, troppo protagonismo Usa, interessi a che tutto ciò accada? Questo non ci è dato sapere dai media comuni. Bisogna sperare nel web per capire meglio come vanno le cose, oppure ascoltare online, ne ho già parlato, Radio Caraibes, che dà la possibilità di avere un filo diretto con Port-au-Prince.

Di fatto gli Stati Uniti, almeno nel passato recente, non hanno dato prova di grande efficienza riguardo alle catastrofi naturali. Basta andare a vedere quello che è successo a New Orleans dopo il passaggio dell'uragano Katrina. In quel caso gli aiuti , oltre che mal distribuiti, arrivarono anche piuttosto in ritardo, con il risultato, anche li, di esasperare gli animi e di dover, poi, far ricorso massiciamente all'uso della forza pubblica. E li eravamo in America, a casa loro. Figuratevi cosa potrà accadere ad Haiti, Paese da sempre al centro degli interessi strategici degli Stati Uniti, quando le proteste e le rimostranze della popolazione arriveranno al parossismo e, allora si, ci sarà bisogno di una pesante mano militare.

Bisogna riconoscere che l'Italia è diventata , a livello politico inernazionale, davvero inesistente, if the head of civil protection, which the government has always praised the sagacity, is imposed a humiliating back down to the fact that Clinton has felt offended. Why do not you analyze the words of Bertolaso? And we seek the causes for which the aid is distributed so slowly? But you know, our government is always ready to please the great Atlantic ally, imagine contradict or even warn him. The thing that seems clear to me is the fact that Haiti will end up a lot of time in the hands of international forces led by the U.S., with all the consequences that can be imagined. I do not remember, at least after the Second World War, a country occupied militarily by the Americans peacefully or not, who has not had problems during and following the departure of the military. About Haiti will fall another earthquake, it will not do many dead now, but tomorrow who knows.

How To Primitive Grunge Fruit

Historical Rai transmission: the Rome to complete the second championship hosted Sunday Sport, with Tito Stagno and Gianni Brera

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Enlarged Pituitary Gland Mri

Derby di Milano n. 273: it is still

Although the period is not too positive, the whole makes field attributes and a sound lesson in Milan, perhaps too sure of good football played in recent games. In 10 to almost 70 minutes, and 9 in the last 5, Inter Sun ina far and wide, and sc udett or more re trad n and r or to z z u r r or .

Thanks guys!!

Nadine Jansen And Husband

International Championship World Cup South Africa 2010: A World for only rich

Nel calcio, si sa, tutto è possibile. Durante i novanta minuti può accadere tutto e il contrario di tutto. Ma questo assioma dal 1978, anno in cui all'Argentina dei colonnelli venne co ncessa la vetrina dei mondiali di calcio, dal campo da gioco si è trasferito nei palazzi del potere che gestisconono il gioco più bello del mondo. E' possibile, infatti, che a un Paese come il Sudafrica, privo di infrastrutture, attraversato da un'infinità di contraddizioni sociali e con un'economia che privile gia pochi a discap ito di molti, generando povertà e criminalità diffusa, sia affidata l'organizzazione del massimo appuntamento calcistico world. The football World Cup is a huge factory contracts and sponsorships, which are fed back into the country organized King a sea of \u200b\u200bmoney. But in a nation with the above problems this can create other and of no small importance. First, can cause social unrest since 1994, when Mandela became president and apartheid was officially repealed, many of the promises made by the new government and the new ruling party (the African National Congr ess , ANC) have been betrayed, and the magnificence of the world's showcase football could go the clash with widespread poverty in this country. A many blacks, who live still the fate slum on the edge of large cities, were promised decent homes and infrastructure, before Mandela's government and then by his successor, Mbeki. To build new stadiums, roads, and to adapt the media for the masses of people who will move in that month, especially in larger cities, the government has spent billions of rand (the currency). All these money are or been so far denied to the people who did not see the beak of a penny to meet the basic needs of development, but ven survival. This could become unacceptable and further tighten already strained the minds of the people living in poverty, e che solo da qualche vecchio telivisore scassato potranno assistere alle partite. Inoltre una volta conclusa la manifestazione molti impianti rimarranno inutilizzati o, quantomeno, sottoutilizzati, dato che nel Paese non ci sono campionati, nè di calcio, nè di rugby, che è lo sport nazionale, capaci di portare sessantamila persone allo stadio. Dunque le sfarzose strutture diverranno squallide cattedrali nel deserto della povertà sudafricana, a monito della cattiva gestione del denaro pubblico e del menefreghismo dei governanti per le sorti del proprio popolo.

I sudafricani, in particolare i
neri, avevano riposto grandi speranze nella fine dell'appartheid. Their country was the most promising democracy of IN Tero Africa: stable, with an enormous economic potential and a mixed ruling class (whites and blacks), which eventually led their dreams of integration of the father of the country, Nelson Mandela . Unfortunately or, however, the dream is over soon, and people had to deal with a situation far more difficult than you thought. Crime in big cities to the stars, created by economic inequality, widespread poverty, AIDS at alarming rates and a black elite that has taken all the vices of the white, plus the great guilt of betraying his own people. One of the objectives principali della nuova classe politica era quello di creare una media borghesia nera, che avrebbe riequilibrato il divario economico prese nte nel Paese, così da allargare la partecipazione alla vita politica è sociale. Per r ealizzare questo, però, si sarebbero dovuti portare a scuola molti dei ragazzi che invec e non hanno mai ricevuto un istruzione, condannati a vita alla povertà. L'elite, bi anca e nera, vive, come anche in Brasile, prossimo organizzatore dei mondiali di calcio e olimpiadi, dietro mura elettrificate, protetta da guardie armate fino ai denti e con l'eterna paura di subire le ritorsioni di quanti non hanno nulla da eat. E 'exile dor ato of a class that lives in another country, not inhabited by ordinary people, m to the fact of great golf courses, magnificent villas and luxury cars that become, in practice, Navigation modules nt dimensional reality of the rich private club that houses the beautiful, not seeing, behind the tinted windows, the sad reality.

But the South African world has other problems,
more tightly organized.
First the season when that will be played, if we will be the summer in South African to coincide with the winter creating the first world championship played in the cold and wet weather. No small thing when you consider that most of the major players of the teams have already months behind in games to summer temperatures. Another problem is the number of visitors to the grounds: the national football team, the Bafana Bafana (boys terrible), not much, and you risk not exceeding even the first round. Quest or will in the desert stages, partly because the poor people in slums can not afford to buy tickets. You may see lots of sign and lots of packed stadiums where spectators will be less interest right the technical staff of both teams. None of this will go down to the heads of FIFA, for matters of aesthetics television, can not afford empty stadiums. He even thinks of letting the locals for free or pay to go watch the games. We'll see. What we know as of now, is that the sra yet another sporting event where the spirit of sport reside, perhaps, only in the pitch, certainly not outside.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Removing Mail Addres From Facebook

In memory of Jean Léopold Dominique, The Agronomist. Force Haiti

Jean Léopold Dominique (Port-au-Prince July 30, 1930 - Port-au-Prince April 3, 2000)

Anyone read at least once this blog you will be certain church to: why the agronomist? The answer is simple: in honor of Jean Dominique, journalist, activist, great Haitian and agronomy. This year marks the tenth anniversary of his death and, if was still among us, his seventieth birthday. Unfortunately his infamous murder we took him away, but there has deprived of its history, of his example and his great passion for journalism. A life to inform the people of Haiti, especially the peasants and the poor of the capital, to promote among them civil rights, democracy and national consciousness. Those were difficult years in which Jean, armed only with his great passion civil and microphone of his radio (Radio Haiti Inter), began its work of spreading and laying bare the oppression of the Haitian government. These were the years of Francois Duvalier (Papa Doc) father and then his son Jean Claud and (Baby Doc), the two bloodthirsty despots who for decades have plagued the people of the tiny Caribbean island. Unfortunately this is a difficult time for Haiti, anche se non c'en trano la stupidità umana e la dittatura, ma un terribile terremoto che ha praticamente distrutto la capitale. Mi è sembrato dunque opportuno e giusto ricordare questo grande uomo, così attaccato al suo Paese, in un momento così difficile. Jean Dominique è stato, ed è, un simbolo per la sua gente. Memorabile fu il suo ritorno a casa dopo sei anni di esilio negli Stati Uniti, quando il popolo, ormai stremato, si ribellò e cacciò Jean Claude Duvalier. Ad aspettarlo all'aeroporto c'erano 60.000 persone in festa, e lui commosso disse: "per raggiungere questo risultato tutti hanno lottato uniti ad Haiti. Non era mai successo. Dovranno spiegarmi come hanno fatto". Sempre ironico, anche nei momenti more important or difficult, as when twice the military destroyed the equipment of his radio and he, always with a smile, said he would never surrender and Radio Haiti Inter, which would continue to transmit and to inform the poor people Haiti.

In the coming months this blog will celebrate the best of the anniversary of his death, offering research and the creation of an audio documentary.

meantime, if you want to get to know the story of Jean Dominique, I recommend watching a wonderful documentary film, produced by Jonathan Demme, director and friend of Jean, entitled "The Agronomist." A fresco touching, but at the same time ironic and funny, as is the nature of the protagonist of this strange, great character, always with his pipe in his mouth, his jeans, his leather hat and his unique way of speaking and to involve people dreamed of a better future for his country.

So, in memory of Jean Leopold Dominique, a journalist, activist, humanist, but, fundamentally, an agronomist. Force Haiti.
Thanks Jean.

How To Build A Floor In An Aluminum Boat

New business proposals: SURevolution, and fashion helps South mondo_Meeting World Youth

In some photos SURevolution creations, made with natural materials and gold extracted from mines operated without the use of the local populations

fashion can also help create a more sustainable future. Can approach one world to another or based on respect and solidarity. It is convinced Marcella Echevarria, eg tilista Colombian journalist, director of SURevolution, a business project success h made in connection with the indigenous craft production in the southern hemisphere with the networks of the distribution of western markets. "Fashion is a cultural industry and must be understood as such e. It can convey a content, messages - supports Echevarria, from the stage of a world meeting of youth, which closed yesterday in Bari -. Entrepreneurship is a page white, however, useful to solve some problems without recourse to the institutions. " It is mescoland or entrepreneurship to respect for cultural diversity the SURevolution that has enabled many local artists and artisans to offer their products at risk of extinction, survival and winning the game of globalization. "The project started in Colombia," explains the entrepreneur, each product speaks of the culture from which it comes. Before becoming a fashion icon is a vehicle for values \u200b\u200band traditions. " Bracelets, necklaces, handbags and home accessories, artifacts of SURevolution have the fundamental characteristics, Marcella Etchevarria that sums up three terms: "social, craft and green - and added - this experience is proof that even a company oriented to sustainability and respect for workers could generate huge profits." Diversity, therefore, interaction between cultures, experiences and different ideas is the cornerstone of the future. "Creativity is fostered by contact between people from different geographical and cultural areas," says Irene Tinagli, professor at the University Carlos III of the Madrid and keen observer of the dynamics economic innovation, which invitatio or the boys to deal with modernity, looking for creative solutions to problems that took nta. "The challenges that the globalized world poses to the younger generations from GARDS no three main areas: education, employment and social inclusion." According to the Ti safeguard within the sudden changes in postmodern times "were not acco mpagnati by an appropriate restructuring of the education system." That's the crux of the problem, according to the economist, is the basis for all others: in fact, the school should be to provide children the tools to orient and operare nel mondo. «Ci sono Paesi all’avanguardia che offrono sistemi di istruzione di qualità, altri invece fanno fatic a ad adattare i propri programmi e metodi alle esigenze del mondo contemporaneo». Una situazione che, secondo la Tinagli, «genera disparità e porta alla dispersione di tanti talenti», così come la paura della differenza e uno scarso sistema di welfare generano precarietà e non incoraggiano certo progetti che si nutrono dell’esperienza di differenti culture.

Luigi Menichilli per Terra

Il sito di SURevolution: clikka qui

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Pokemon Orange Game Shark

Bridge to Haiti_Meeting World Youth

from the meeting in Bari, Scarlett Anitori

"You can not think of the earthquake as the past. Is not it time to draw up a budget, this is the tragedy we face. " When an earthquake devastated his country Eduard was in Chicago. When the unbridled force of the quake flattened Port au prince trapped under the rubble relatives and friends, the young Haitian studied in Illinois. His family is safe, but his city is not nothing left. Yesterday, her story has come to Bari, Edurd l’ha raccontata di persona ai partecipanti del meeting mondiale. «L’aiuto non deve essere pensato come un obiettivo a breve termine, ma come un percorso di collaborazione duratura tra Haiti e il resto del mondo». L’invito che il delegato caraibico rivolge alla Comunità internazionale è di non abbandonare l’isola una volta finito di scavare. «Il disastro è sotto gli occhi di tutti - dice -, ma ancora oggi alcune zone sono rimaste escluse dagli aiuti affluiti nell’isola. I dati ufficiali parlano di 70 mila morti, un numero che non corrisponde neanche ad un decimo delle vite sacrificate dal sisma. E in tanti ancora continuano a morire». Eduard parla a un pubblico fatto di coetanei, attivisti, scholars and experts in international politics: "Can you hear the screams? The cry of pain coming from Haiti? ". The small Caribbean island needs help to restart. Material damage of the earthquake are added together, in fact, the psychological and moral. "Those who survived this disaster is in shock and needs new energy to begin again - the boy continues -. We need to support health, food and certainly infrastructure. But it is not enough. To boost economic development in the country, annihilated by the earthquake are mainly human resources. " Eduard means for his people the path of sustainable development and appealed to young people around the world: "Do an earthquake is not possible, but you can make sure that its consequences are not so catastrophic. " The young Haitian refers to the need to build homes more secure, "earthquake." A warning that applies to Haiti, but also for Italy, still shaken by the earthquake that struck the Abruzzo. Sustainable urban planning is beneficial, according to Edward, not only of his Republic but also the rest of the world. The silence turns into a heartfelt smile: 'You take something good from all this, "he concludes. The hope is that the people of the tiny Caribbean island may soon turn the page.

To follow all the updates from the crash site, by a voice that is not the official international media continually offering only images of chaos and despair, followed Television Radio Caraibes, Haiti is still the only station working. Basically, the great merit of this radio is to show the world the desire to start and how to self-government of the districts of Port au Prince, in which they formed numerous committees dealing with everything from first aid to call in up a semblance of normality.

Click here to listen online Radio Caraibes FM 94.5

Samaire Armstron Boobs

Looking for World Youth soluzioni_Meeting

from the meeting in Bari, Scarlett Anitori

In search of solutions. They come from Cameroon, India, Moldova, Brazil, from China. With their scarves and scarf, wearing ethnic clothes, fur caps and bring with them the seeds of change. They are young activists, international policy experts, coordinators of national and global networks have come to Bari with a common goal: to join forces to open up a better future. The UN-sponsored International Year of young people left Italy. On the eve of the Mexico City and Fifth youth congress in Istanbul, the Ministry of Youth and the Puglia region have launched the global meeting. "The future is not over," the slogan of the event. In the halls inside the Fiera del Levante, building used to host the event, discussing sustainability, energy and waste, poverty and hunger, gender equality, citizenship and democracy, but above all to participate. How to encourage and ensure the involvement of new generations. According to Rocio, who is from Argentina, "it is for young people fit into the areas of decision, without waiting for others to offer them the chance." Martha, however, is that the experience of a cultural association in the province of Venice speaks of the "burden" to involve i ragazzi, del «disinteresse diffuso» ma anche della «difficoltà nell’individuare percorsi di partecipazione attiva» e assegna quindi un ruolo fondamentale alle istituzioni, «che dovrebbero facilitarla». Yeruti, paraguaiana, lavora per una ong di Washington e lamenta una mancanza di coinvolgimento generale: «I giovani non sono considerati come partner sociali ufficiali – dice -, così che per partecipare ogni volta bisogna combattere. Ma non è giusto, non dovremmo lottare per ottenere il nostro posto, dovrebbero essere la società civile e le generazioni precedenti a offrirci la sedia». Il dibattito prosegue in un crescente afflato, una mano dopo l’altra reclama la parola, il peso language barriers is less, each wearing a pair of headphones and translators do not have a moment's respite. "We must devise a strategy of collective mobilization." Rudi has no doubt who is from Cameroon and has already attended the third World Youth Forum in 1998, "was the first time since I left my country - he says - has been a wonderful experience. After returning home I wrote a report on the findings of the meeting times and I have delivered to the President of the Republic. Today I am a consultant for national youth policies. " The future of youth is the future of the planet, but certainly the younger generation can not be held responsible for what It will not happen if we granted them the opportunity to participate in the planning of the future. Guglielmo Minervini, commissioner for transparency and active citizenship in the province of Bari, draws a distinction between 'youth policy' and 'policies with young people, "stressing that only the latter can produce major changes. The institutions that are condensed encrust the conception of power - he adds - no longer sufficient, in the world in which we live, to solve problems, we need a lot of energy, the participation of all. " There are many, each with their own cultural background, convinced that integrating the different experiences is their trump card. "Only those who are crazy enough to think about changing the world can change it really," Gandhi argued, and the impression is that here you are consuming this act of madness.

Some links for those who want to learn more :

Click here to access the official website of the meeting

Some pictures from the meeting

How To Get A Fake Fever From An Ear Thermometer

Social mobility in our country, in a study of Irene Tinagli_Meeting World Youth

Here is the link of the PDF

C the the kka qui_ http://www.gonews.it/pdf/if_rapporto_mobilita.pdf

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Genital Acne On Women

grotesque. Surreal. THE NEW FANTASTIC

The gallery's first exhibition dedicated Davico of 2010 to the artistic always been privileged in his forty years of history: the grotesque, the surreal and the fantastic.
With a substantial range of 24 artists (22 painters, including the Master
Alessandri sculptors +2), and through a corpus of about 50 works (at least two each artist), the gallery will become a great Wunderkammer, full of magical aspects. It
alternate reality so different, inhabited by strange characters and obsolete, but also represented by world suspended between rationality and imagination.
As is visionary art history, will be even more disparate feelings, reassuring those idyllic and melancholy up to those scary, which makes the awe, in a subtle, attractive work.
The artists differ between teachers and young people, in a style now characteristic of Davico Gallery, devoted to the big names but also confident in who has recently undertaken a journey under the headlights of art. Another feature is the geographical origin: the majority of them is Italian, from north to south, but a look beyond the Alps allows artists to have shows in France and Russia.
Witches and dolls gothic knights Baroque metamorphic figures, real or fantastic animals, angels, giullarini characters and irreverent when not filthy, but also bourgeois interiors and on the other times, mysterious and immense skies, are just part of everything that is you can find on display, including oil or tempera painting, wood carving, painting or polychrome terracotta.
Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 10-12.30 and 16-19.30 (may vary, always check by phone).
Tickets: Free admittance
Catalogue: In gallery
Editors: Emilio Gargioni