Friday, January 22, 2010

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In memory of Jean Léopold Dominique, The Agronomist. Force Haiti

Jean Léopold Dominique (Port-au-Prince July 30, 1930 - Port-au-Prince April 3, 2000)

Anyone read at least once this blog you will be certain church to: why the agronomist? The answer is simple: in honor of Jean Dominique, journalist, activist, great Haitian and agronomy. This year marks the tenth anniversary of his death and, if was still among us, his seventieth birthday. Unfortunately his infamous murder we took him away, but there has deprived of its history, of his example and his great passion for journalism. A life to inform the people of Haiti, especially the peasants and the poor of the capital, to promote among them civil rights, democracy and national consciousness. Those were difficult years in which Jean, armed only with his great passion civil and microphone of his radio (Radio Haiti Inter), began its work of spreading and laying bare the oppression of the Haitian government. These were the years of Francois Duvalier (Papa Doc) father and then his son Jean Claud and (Baby Doc), the two bloodthirsty despots who for decades have plagued the people of the tiny Caribbean island. Unfortunately this is a difficult time for Haiti, anche se non c'en trano la stupidità umana e la dittatura, ma un terribile terremoto che ha praticamente distrutto la capitale. Mi è sembrato dunque opportuno e giusto ricordare questo grande uomo, così attaccato al suo Paese, in un momento così difficile. Jean Dominique è stato, ed è, un simbolo per la sua gente. Memorabile fu il suo ritorno a casa dopo sei anni di esilio negli Stati Uniti, quando il popolo, ormai stremato, si ribellò e cacciò Jean Claude Duvalier. Ad aspettarlo all'aeroporto c'erano 60.000 persone in festa, e lui commosso disse: "per raggiungere questo risultato tutti hanno lottato uniti ad Haiti. Non era mai successo. Dovranno spiegarmi come hanno fatto". Sempre ironico, anche nei momenti more important or difficult, as when twice the military destroyed the equipment of his radio and he, always with a smile, said he would never surrender and Radio Haiti Inter, which would continue to transmit and to inform the poor people Haiti.

In the coming months this blog will celebrate the best of the anniversary of his death, offering research and the creation of an audio documentary.

meantime, if you want to get to know the story of Jean Dominique, I recommend watching a wonderful documentary film, produced by Jonathan Demme, director and friend of Jean, entitled "The Agronomist." A fresco touching, but at the same time ironic and funny, as is the nature of the protagonist of this strange, great character, always with his pipe in his mouth, his jeans, his leather hat and his unique way of speaking and to involve people dreamed of a better future for his country.

So, in memory of Jean Leopold Dominique, a journalist, activist, humanist, but, fundamentally, an agronomist. Force Haiti.
Thanks Jean.


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