Thursday, January 21, 2010

Pokemon Orange Game Shark

Bridge to Haiti_Meeting World Youth

from the meeting in Bari, Scarlett Anitori

"You can not think of the earthquake as the past. Is not it time to draw up a budget, this is the tragedy we face. " When an earthquake devastated his country Eduard was in Chicago. When the unbridled force of the quake flattened Port au prince trapped under the rubble relatives and friends, the young Haitian studied in Illinois. His family is safe, but his city is not nothing left. Yesterday, her story has come to Bari, Edurd l’ha raccontata di persona ai partecipanti del meeting mondiale. «L’aiuto non deve essere pensato come un obiettivo a breve termine, ma come un percorso di collaborazione duratura tra Haiti e il resto del mondo». L’invito che il delegato caraibico rivolge alla Comunità internazionale è di non abbandonare l’isola una volta finito di scavare. «Il disastro è sotto gli occhi di tutti - dice -, ma ancora oggi alcune zone sono rimaste escluse dagli aiuti affluiti nell’isola. I dati ufficiali parlano di 70 mila morti, un numero che non corrisponde neanche ad un decimo delle vite sacrificate dal sisma. E in tanti ancora continuano a morire». Eduard parla a un pubblico fatto di coetanei, attivisti, scholars and experts in international politics: "Can you hear the screams? The cry of pain coming from Haiti? ". The small Caribbean island needs help to restart. Material damage of the earthquake are added together, in fact, the psychological and moral. "Those who survived this disaster is in shock and needs new energy to begin again - the boy continues -. We need to support health, food and certainly infrastructure. But it is not enough. To boost economic development in the country, annihilated by the earthquake are mainly human resources. " Eduard means for his people the path of sustainable development and appealed to young people around the world: "Do an earthquake is not possible, but you can make sure that its consequences are not so catastrophic. " The young Haitian refers to the need to build homes more secure, "earthquake." A warning that applies to Haiti, but also for Italy, still shaken by the earthquake that struck the Abruzzo. Sustainable urban planning is beneficial, according to Edward, not only of his Republic but also the rest of the world. The silence turns into a heartfelt smile: 'You take something good from all this, "he concludes. The hope is that the people of the tiny Caribbean island may soon turn the page.

To follow all the updates from the crash site, by a voice that is not the official international media continually offering only images of chaos and despair, followed Television Radio Caraibes, Haiti is still the only station working. Basically, the great merit of this radio is to show the world the desire to start and how to self-government of the districts of Port au Prince, in which they formed numerous committees dealing with everything from first aid to call in up a semblance of normality.

Click here to listen online Radio Caraibes FM 94.5


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