Thursday, January 21, 2010

Samaire Armstron Boobs

Looking for World Youth soluzioni_Meeting

from the meeting in Bari, Scarlett Anitori

In search of solutions. They come from Cameroon, India, Moldova, Brazil, from China. With their scarves and scarf, wearing ethnic clothes, fur caps and bring with them the seeds of change. They are young activists, international policy experts, coordinators of national and global networks have come to Bari with a common goal: to join forces to open up a better future. The UN-sponsored International Year of young people left Italy. On the eve of the Mexico City and Fifth youth congress in Istanbul, the Ministry of Youth and the Puglia region have launched the global meeting. "The future is not over," the slogan of the event. In the halls inside the Fiera del Levante, building used to host the event, discussing sustainability, energy and waste, poverty and hunger, gender equality, citizenship and democracy, but above all to participate. How to encourage and ensure the involvement of new generations. According to Rocio, who is from Argentina, "it is for young people fit into the areas of decision, without waiting for others to offer them the chance." Martha, however, is that the experience of a cultural association in the province of Venice speaks of the "burden" to involve i ragazzi, del «disinteresse diffuso» ma anche della «difficoltà nell’individuare percorsi di partecipazione attiva» e assegna quindi un ruolo fondamentale alle istituzioni, «che dovrebbero facilitarla». Yeruti, paraguaiana, lavora per una ong di Washington e lamenta una mancanza di coinvolgimento generale: «I giovani non sono considerati come partner sociali ufficiali – dice -, così che per partecipare ogni volta bisogna combattere. Ma non è giusto, non dovremmo lottare per ottenere il nostro posto, dovrebbero essere la società civile e le generazioni precedenti a offrirci la sedia». Il dibattito prosegue in un crescente afflato, una mano dopo l’altra reclama la parola, il peso language barriers is less, each wearing a pair of headphones and translators do not have a moment's respite. "We must devise a strategy of collective mobilization." Rudi has no doubt who is from Cameroon and has already attended the third World Youth Forum in 1998, "was the first time since I left my country - he says - has been a wonderful experience. After returning home I wrote a report on the findings of the meeting times and I have delivered to the President of the Republic. Today I am a consultant for national youth policies. " The future of youth is the future of the planet, but certainly the younger generation can not be held responsible for what It will not happen if we granted them the opportunity to participate in the planning of the future. Guglielmo Minervini, commissioner for transparency and active citizenship in the province of Bari, draws a distinction between 'youth policy' and 'policies with young people, "stressing that only the latter can produce major changes. The institutions that are condensed encrust the conception of power - he adds - no longer sufficient, in the world in which we live, to solve problems, we need a lot of energy, the participation of all. " There are many, each with their own cultural background, convinced that integrating the different experiences is their trump card. "Only those who are crazy enough to think about changing the world can change it really," Gandhi argued, and the impression is that here you are consuming this act of madness.

Some links for those who want to learn more :

Click here to access the official website of the meeting

Some pictures from the meeting


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