Sunday, January 24, 2010

Nadine Jansen And Husband

International Championship World Cup South Africa 2010: A World for only rich

Nel calcio, si sa, tutto è possibile. Durante i novanta minuti può accadere tutto e il contrario di tutto. Ma questo assioma dal 1978, anno in cui all'Argentina dei colonnelli venne co ncessa la vetrina dei mondiali di calcio, dal campo da gioco si è trasferito nei palazzi del potere che gestisconono il gioco più bello del mondo. E' possibile, infatti, che a un Paese come il Sudafrica, privo di infrastrutture, attraversato da un'infinità di contraddizioni sociali e con un'economia che privile gia pochi a discap ito di molti, generando povertà e criminalità diffusa, sia affidata l'organizzazione del massimo appuntamento calcistico world. The football World Cup is a huge factory contracts and sponsorships, which are fed back into the country organized King a sea of \u200b\u200bmoney. But in a nation with the above problems this can create other and of no small importance. First, can cause social unrest since 1994, when Mandela became president and apartheid was officially repealed, many of the promises made by the new government and the new ruling party (the African National Congr ess , ANC) have been betrayed, and the magnificence of the world's showcase football could go the clash with widespread poverty in this country. A many blacks, who live still the fate slum on the edge of large cities, were promised decent homes and infrastructure, before Mandela's government and then by his successor, Mbeki. To build new stadiums, roads, and to adapt the media for the masses of people who will move in that month, especially in larger cities, the government has spent billions of rand (the currency). All these money are or been so far denied to the people who did not see the beak of a penny to meet the basic needs of development, but ven survival. This could become unacceptable and further tighten already strained the minds of the people living in poverty, e che solo da qualche vecchio telivisore scassato potranno assistere alle partite. Inoltre una volta conclusa la manifestazione molti impianti rimarranno inutilizzati o, quantomeno, sottoutilizzati, dato che nel Paese non ci sono campionati, nè di calcio, nè di rugby, che è lo sport nazionale, capaci di portare sessantamila persone allo stadio. Dunque le sfarzose strutture diverranno squallide cattedrali nel deserto della povertà sudafricana, a monito della cattiva gestione del denaro pubblico e del menefreghismo dei governanti per le sorti del proprio popolo.

I sudafricani, in particolare i
neri, avevano riposto grandi speranze nella fine dell'appartheid. Their country was the most promising democracy of IN Tero Africa: stable, with an enormous economic potential and a mixed ruling class (whites and blacks), which eventually led their dreams of integration of the father of the country, Nelson Mandela . Unfortunately or, however, the dream is over soon, and people had to deal with a situation far more difficult than you thought. Crime in big cities to the stars, created by economic inequality, widespread poverty, AIDS at alarming rates and a black elite that has taken all the vices of the white, plus the great guilt of betraying his own people. One of the objectives principali della nuova classe politica era quello di creare una media borghesia nera, che avrebbe riequilibrato il divario economico prese nte nel Paese, così da allargare la partecipazione alla vita politica è sociale. Per r ealizzare questo, però, si sarebbero dovuti portare a scuola molti dei ragazzi che invec e non hanno mai ricevuto un istruzione, condannati a vita alla povertà. L'elite, bi anca e nera, vive, come anche in Brasile, prossimo organizzatore dei mondiali di calcio e olimpiadi, dietro mura elettrificate, protetta da guardie armate fino ai denti e con l'eterna paura di subire le ritorsioni di quanti non hanno nulla da eat. E 'exile dor ato of a class that lives in another country, not inhabited by ordinary people, m to the fact of great golf courses, magnificent villas and luxury cars that become, in practice, Navigation modules nt dimensional reality of the rich private club that houses the beautiful, not seeing, behind the tinted windows, the sad reality.

But the South African world has other problems,
more tightly organized.
First the season when that will be played, if we will be the summer in South African to coincide with the winter creating the first world championship played in the cold and wet weather. No small thing when you consider that most of the major players of the teams have already months behind in games to summer temperatures. Another problem is the number of visitors to the grounds: the national football team, the Bafana Bafana (boys terrible), not much, and you risk not exceeding even the first round. Quest or will in the desert stages, partly because the poor people in slums can not afford to buy tickets. You may see lots of sign and lots of packed stadiums where spectators will be less interest right the technical staff of both teams. None of this will go down to the heads of FIFA, for matters of aesthetics television, can not afford empty stadiums. He even thinks of letting the locals for free or pay to go watch the games. We'll see. What we know as of now, is that the sra yet another sporting event where the spirit of sport reside, perhaps, only in the pitch, certainly not outside.


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