Friday, January 22, 2010

How To Build A Floor In An Aluminum Boat

New business proposals: SURevolution, and fashion helps South mondo_Meeting World Youth

In some photos SURevolution creations, made with natural materials and gold extracted from mines operated without the use of the local populations

fashion can also help create a more sustainable future. Can approach one world to another or based on respect and solidarity. It is convinced Marcella Echevarria, eg tilista Colombian journalist, director of SURevolution, a business project success h made in connection with the indigenous craft production in the southern hemisphere with the networks of the distribution of western markets. "Fashion is a cultural industry and must be understood as such e. It can convey a content, messages - supports Echevarria, from the stage of a world meeting of youth, which closed yesterday in Bari -. Entrepreneurship is a page white, however, useful to solve some problems without recourse to the institutions. " It is mescoland or entrepreneurship to respect for cultural diversity the SURevolution that has enabled many local artists and artisans to offer their products at risk of extinction, survival and winning the game of globalization. "The project started in Colombia," explains the entrepreneur, each product speaks of the culture from which it comes. Before becoming a fashion icon is a vehicle for values \u200b\u200band traditions. " Bracelets, necklaces, handbags and home accessories, artifacts of SURevolution have the fundamental characteristics, Marcella Etchevarria that sums up three terms: "social, craft and green - and added - this experience is proof that even a company oriented to sustainability and respect for workers could generate huge profits." Diversity, therefore, interaction between cultures, experiences and different ideas is the cornerstone of the future. "Creativity is fostered by contact between people from different geographical and cultural areas," says Irene Tinagli, professor at the University Carlos III of the Madrid and keen observer of the dynamics economic innovation, which invitatio or the boys to deal with modernity, looking for creative solutions to problems that took nta. "The challenges that the globalized world poses to the younger generations from GARDS no three main areas: education, employment and social inclusion." According to the Ti safeguard within the sudden changes in postmodern times "were not acco mpagnati by an appropriate restructuring of the education system." That's the crux of the problem, according to the economist, is the basis for all others: in fact, the school should be to provide children the tools to orient and operare nel mondo. «Ci sono Paesi all’avanguardia che offrono sistemi di istruzione di qualità, altri invece fanno fatic a ad adattare i propri programmi e metodi alle esigenze del mondo contemporaneo». Una situazione che, secondo la Tinagli, «genera disparità e porta alla dispersione di tanti talenti», così come la paura della differenza e uno scarso sistema di welfare generano precarietà e non incoraggiano certo progetti che si nutrono dell’esperienza di differenti culture.

Luigi Menichilli per Terra

Il sito di SURevolution: clikka qui


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