Tuesday, April 13, 2010

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Church and pedophilia: where is the Christian message?

The Roman church is an embassy. Besieged on all fronts. From memory when I do not remember a frontal attack as well, convinced and impetuous towards the papacy and what it represents, such as that referred to the problem of pedophilia among priests. The serious issue of child abuse, terrible, he turns and throws the shepherds in wolves panic the flock. Involving the very people they are no longer in contact with the children, and whose mission is to give them warmth, love and teach them the values \u200b\u200bof solidarity, and not throw them in the miasma of violence. For this reason, an act of pedophilia committed by an ordinary person can not be compared with the same done by a priest, and it is because of what, even more isolated, abandoned and in total panic, are Catholics in the church have always believed that with joy and always entrust their children to parishes and priests that hold.

Faced with a large segment of believers who have crowded around the Vicar of Christ on earth, there is another, equally important, assisting displaced to what Ratzinger called mere "chatter" world. It is no coincidence that the so-called chatter (supported by evidence and confessions), came from that world Anglo-Saxon in its history has harshly criticized the corruption of the church and the figure of the pope. In our country, where, however, incidents of pedophilia by priests out there, there is too much reverence for hierarchy, too much historical acriticità in its efforts to move against a conviction on charges of serious misconduct.

Leaving aside the facts, very serious, pedophilia, what interests me here is primarily to analyze the erosion of the Christian message in society, not opposed by those bishops should do with it and, indeed, in some cases helped. The Catholic Church is losing time after time its role as a moral beacon, served for centuries not only for Catholics but also many lay people who still could see its values \u200b\u200bas an aid to the good evolution of social consciousness, threatened, especially in modern times , from the rapid of scientism. Tutt or this is fading away under the blows of the lost spirituality of the contemporary and devote himself to matters of origin, in fact, mortal. The legitimacy of all religions to exist and to be considered not only a civil religion, praising one or more entities that create, is just its size otherworldly. Accepted by faith, through the visions of mystics, saints, rekindled by the miracles, the supernatural out of the reach of human understanding that mean that some mysteries are exclusively the prerogative of God 'every day is all that' bend the Head to millions of men in prayer. Yet this is not nearly as contemplated by the majority of people who are confronted with the Catholic Church. The Christian message is still important and, unfortunately, a revolutionary, is translated in lifestyles, social behavior, but has lost its spiritual and supernatural nature. Fewer and fewer people in the West are gathered in prayer and try to lose touch with reality per avvicinarsi a Dio. Sempre più persone applicano le regole morali della chiesa cattolica, ma c'è davvero bisogno ancora di quella mastodontica istituzione gerarchica per perpetuarle?

I ministri cattolici danno la colpa al relativismo, ma non è relativismo dire che si, ci sono pedofili tra i preti, ma che in percentuale sono molto meno rispetto a coloro soffrono della stessa malattia fuori dal sacerdozio? E non è relativismo, o semplicemente ignoranza, chiusura e omofobia dire che il celibato per i preti non è la causa della pedofilia, ma che invece l'omosessualità spesso si traduce in tale perversione?

Se Benedetto XVI ha coperto, non portando all'attenzione della polizia, alcuni casi di abusi minors then no longer has the moral legitimacy to represent Christ on earth. But they should be in first place Catholics themselves to seek clarity, and should not fall into the easy temptation to defend the institution without thinking to be destroying the message. The Church hierarchy vigorously defends its power and its right to count in society, but should do so without arrogance, recovering its spiritual mission and by listening to Jesus, who bent down and washed the feet of his disciples.


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