Monday, April 5, 2010

Lorena Herreranuevas Fotos


Italy is a country poor in resources that can be said to be in it if you search for resources that are classically a rich country. But beyond the renewable energy resources (such as a spot these days reminds us to be equal to oil, rather Rubbia confirmed), we know that the real potential are the main Italian cultural heritage, and are not the first to say course.
We also know that many of these goods are neglected, unrestored, not recounted, stacked and forgotten. Area to set up structures, an entire museum system size and efficiency would make our country a paradise art and culture, as well as enrich it immeasurably. "It would make it" because today it is true that we are a country with a good supply of cultural goods, but we are minimizing the possibility, the Italian potential is exploited to a minimum, not only the cultural goods in Italy are at risk for many reasons: means to degrade, neglect, or are buried by concrete, or required to wear under the weather.
may seem an assessment of cultural heritage in a purely economic aspects, which makes a bad impression, but unfortunately in the current system that would provide protection and continuous power in this area would be a good economic management, oltre a una gestione efficace sotto un profilo logistico.
Da qui nasce spontaneo un appello ad investire non solo nei beni culturali già prodotti, ma nel genio in generale: stravolgere l'approccio mettendo il genio in condizioni di lavorare spontaneamente e vivere. Per genio intendo ogni forma di cratività ancora in evoluzione, oltre ai settori della ricerca, del restauro, e così via a quant'altro si possa immaginare di annesso.
Le competenze esistono, e sono i milioni di laureati che vagano per i call center o per chissà quale altra trappola. Non abbiamo bisogno di settorializzare le competenze e la formazione, di frammentarle, ma in un progetto del genere la formazione umanistica può sopravvivere in excellent health, which is a blessing for humanity. Eliminating those causes inconvenience to those visiting our country would add another useful piece. Besides the cultural heritage is an area that is not subject to competition, so it is a stable investment, perhaps the most stable unless rapiscano David I do not see the threat of competition.
Which leads to ugliness not exploit fields of beauty and intelligence of our country?

photo: Roberto Cosenza, Manfredonia, particularly the church of S. Domenico (1294 - 1299)


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