Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Removing Mail Address From Facebook Mac

was a long time I wanted to try my hand on the preparation of this simple and excellent almond cake and chocolate ... the Caprese! original note of the island of Capri ... (the recipe is the famous pastry chef Salvatore Rice with some modifications on the quantities of ingredients while of course, always the right proportions!)
I've prepared for Valentine's Day with lots of decoration in the shape of the heart ... well for a delightful evening of romance! Valentine was obviously just an excuse ... and then to be romantic and pamper yourself with a good pie is good ... every time!
The experiment is successful, the cake has come good, the decor was simple but very nice and my cake was gone in no time!
What are you waiting ... try it you too :-)

Also being a cake that does not contain flour , can also be enjoyed by those who are gluten intolerant!


  • 140 gr icing sugar
  • 140 g butter (I put 120)
  • 140 g dark chocolate 140 grams of almonds
  • 4 eggs 25 gr unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 12 grams of yeast (about 3 / 4 of a sachet)
  • 45 grams of starch
  • a pinch of salt
NB I used a mold of 24 cm cm ... actually came a bit 'Altino ... so I think the mix is \u200b\u200bcertainly enough to mold a more' high by 26 cm


  1. toasted almonds in oven at 140 degrees about 20 minutes later with a blender and chop coarsely chopped
  2. , always with the help of a mixer, or with just a knife, even dark chocolate
  3. at this point together in a bowl almonds and chopped chocolate, potato starch, baking powder and sifted cocoa and mix ... for good (1 photos )
  4. whip the egg whites adding a pinch of salt (2 photos )
  5. mounted in a bowl, the butter and powdered sugar (3 photos )
  6. add the egg yolks, one at a time (4 photos ), and slowly add the mixture di polveri preparata ( foto 5 )
  7. Per ultimo incorporate al composto, con gesti delicati dal basso verso l'alto, gli albumi ( foto 6 )
  8. Imburrate uno stampo da 26 cm e infarinatelo con un po' di fecola di patate (io utilizzo sempre una tortiera apribile, posiziono sul fondo un pezzo di carta da forno e imburro ed infarino leggermente solo i lati)
  9. versate il composto nello stampo ( foto 7 ), livellatelo ( foto 8 ) e infornate a 170° per 45 minuti...lasciate raffreddare la torta nello stampo...sformatela e spolveratela di zucchero a velo quando si sarĂ  completamente raffreddata

For decoration as in the photo:
I drew up a paper (or foil) the heart ... 'I cut and placed on the cake that I thoroughly dusted with icing sugar.
I then removed the heart of paper and finished with chocolate colored pads that I'm stuck using a little 'under each of melted chocolate!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Storm Lures For Sale In San Diego

Chrysler commercials during the Super Bowl XLV for the first time Eminem lends her face to an advertisement

But look a bit 'Marchionne how smooth the hair to the national sentiment of the Americans and in particular to the inhabitants of the city of Detroit. The spot Chrysler was a record: aired during the Super Bowl XLV, Sunday, saw for the first time Eminem (born and raised in Detroit, where he lives the factory Chrysler) lend your face advertising, and is lasted 2 minutes, when the always spot during the final of the NFL last only a minute. And in the end a very clear message: IMPORTED FROM DETROIT. Who knows when the good American Sergio decides to do a commercial for the Fiat at the end: IMPORTED FROM TURIN. Well, it will be a bit 'hard, now that the cars Fiat did not produce hardly in Turin. Another clear sign of how the head of the company is moving more and more overseas. It will be good for Italian workers? Who knows!

Wise To Replace Oil Furnace With Heat Pump

"Balzelli of Italy." Taxes: the hundred traps for companies and families look a bit 'in many ways the state robs you. Read thoroughly

In Italy it is known, the state is very present in everyday life of citizens. And often this presence is not seen as a guarantee of good things done, unlike in many cases the state is inefficient, squanderer and, even more odious thief. I always felt the greed of our tax system: to study the fees I paid to have the license to make a fool certificate, when I pay the bills I often incomprehensible entries and smell the rip-off greatly, even when the bar I drink something I pay state tax on spirits. Before reading this report of Confesercenti, however, did not know really what our country looked like a medieval statelet. The Italian citizen is extortionists, oppressed and plundered by a State which, in short, demands a lot but then, in terms of efficient services by very little. These huge revenue (in Italy the tax burden is 43.7%, although in reality there are those who maintain that exceed 50%) serve the policy to continue to make public spending and, therefore, reproduce the dynamics of patronage and consent. Just think 'tomorrow if you say: okay, we eliminate any unnecessary tax but at the same time the state can not be guaranteed certain services. What would you think? Of course it is better to have insurance services. Unfortunately this is not so, because there is no relationship between this huge tax burden and the quantity and quality of services offered to Italian citizens. In short, you could cut a lot of unfair taxes, both for citizens and businesses, and have, if only you want it, more and better services. But unfortunately in our country, the political propaganda of any deployment, has passed a strong message that without taxes we resign ourselves to having to buy on the market a large number of services that today are offered free of charge. Even if in fact we pay them, and very handsomely. There is therefore no wonder that a growing number of Italian companies, in a totally legal, outsource their production to countries where there is a tax and a strategy of industrial development and to help businesses more affordable. It 's the case of Svizzerra.

Read this document and get an idea of \u200b\u200bhow the state behaves towards you. To me the only definition that came to mind is: THIEF, THIEF, THIEF.

Here is the document prepared by Confesercenti. E 'can also download it in pdf and read it on your PC even when you're offline, just Just click on download. To read the document more easily on this page Just click on fullscreen. Good incazzatura.


Monday, February 7, 2011

The Artist Barbara Weber

"Rubbish", the new socket direct investigation. Why are we doing so evil?

impotence, anger, sorrow, deep sadness. These are some of the feelings that I've tried looking at this investigation. Sadness for a nation, not a country that only indicates a geographical location, which no longer exists, and that perhaps never existed, drowned among the abuses, the malpractice and mafioso attitude that affects all of us when we close our eyes for a fall of our society. The waste in Naples and Campania, the 'Ndrangheta in Calabria or the rich north and south of corruption fills the toxic waste, a problem that is not only restricted areas where there directly. They are the apotheosis of a failed nation, people who do not live more healthily. I have no more hope. Or rather, I would have, but rationally I do not see how we can fix this debacle that I repeat: All those are born and raised IN THIS COUNTRY OF SHIT. So to honor the 150th birthday of our beloved country.

Rai.TV Video - Taking Direct 2010 - Rubbish

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Grace Period To Renew Drivers Lincense In Tx

Kevin Warwick, the first human cyborg. The inevitability of integration man-machine

If you have never heard of Kevin Warwick, professor of cybernetics at the University of Reading (UK), probably reading the title of this post the first thing that comes to mind is: "science fiction". But listening and becoming acquainted with what has already been achieved, the opinion on the possibility that one day we all have on our body systems technological change drastically. And 'my old ball, of course not supported by scientific knowledge, he sees the next step in human evolution can only be fully integrated with machines. Biologically, man has little chance to evolve yet, but everything can happen by using their own ingenuity and technology. I know one thing that seems impossible or, at best, distant in time, but if you think the scientific-technological progress in the last twenty years you will realize that the time it takes to evolve the science is much less than the time taken by the company to absorb the news. This is not to say that all of the cyborg has become a desirable future, on the contrary, I find that there are many obscure points in this perspective. But I think it is inevitable that this happens. It is inevitable. With all due respect for ethical and religious dilemmas. With regard to considerations of merit, the goodness of this perspective or not, it seems to me too early to have a well thought out. Ten or twenty years? We wait, and time will tell.

transmission Mystery, broadcast on Italia 1, meets Kevin Warwick

Interview with Kevin Warwick is the radio program Moebius (Radio24)