Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Wise To Replace Oil Furnace With Heat Pump

"Balzelli of Italy." Taxes: the hundred traps for companies and families look a bit 'in many ways the state robs you. Read thoroughly

In Italy it is known, the state is very present in everyday life of citizens. And often this presence is not seen as a guarantee of good things done, unlike in many cases the state is inefficient, squanderer and, even more odious thief. I always felt the greed of our tax system: to study the fees I paid to have the license to make a fool certificate, when I pay the bills I often incomprehensible entries and smell the rip-off greatly, even when the bar I drink something I pay state tax on spirits. Before reading this report of Confesercenti, however, did not know really what our country looked like a medieval statelet. The Italian citizen is extortionists, oppressed and plundered by a State which, in short, demands a lot but then, in terms of efficient services by very little. These huge revenue (in Italy the tax burden is 43.7%, although in reality there are those who maintain that exceed 50%) serve the policy to continue to make public spending and, therefore, reproduce the dynamics of patronage and consent. Just think 'tomorrow if you say: okay, we eliminate any unnecessary tax but at the same time the state can not be guaranteed certain services. What would you think? Of course it is better to have insurance services. Unfortunately this is not so, because there is no relationship between this huge tax burden and the quantity and quality of services offered to Italian citizens. In short, you could cut a lot of unfair taxes, both for citizens and businesses, and have, if only you want it, more and better services. But unfortunately in our country, the political propaganda of any deployment, has passed a strong message that without taxes we resign ourselves to having to buy on the market a large number of services that today are offered free of charge. Even if in fact we pay them, and very handsomely. There is therefore no wonder that a growing number of Italian companies, in a totally legal, outsource their production to countries where there is a tax and a strategy of industrial development and to help businesses more affordable. It 's the case of Svizzerra.

Read this document and get an idea of \u200b\u200bhow the state behaves towards you. To me the only definition that came to mind is: THIEF, THIEF, THIEF.

Here is the document prepared by Confesercenti. E 'can also download it in pdf and read it on your PC even when you're offline, just Just click on download. To read the document more easily on this page Just click on fullscreen. Good incazzatura.



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