Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Storm Lures For Sale In San Diego

Chrysler commercials during the Super Bowl XLV for the first time Eminem lends her face to an advertisement

But look a bit 'Marchionne how smooth the hair to the national sentiment of the Americans and in particular to the inhabitants of the city of Detroit. The spot Chrysler was a record: aired during the Super Bowl XLV, Sunday, saw for the first time Eminem (born and raised in Detroit, where he lives the factory Chrysler) lend your face advertising, and is lasted 2 minutes, when the always spot during the final of the NFL last only a minute. And in the end a very clear message: IMPORTED FROM DETROIT. Who knows when the good American Sergio decides to do a commercial for the Fiat at the end: IMPORTED FROM TURIN. Well, it will be a bit 'hard, now that the cars Fiat did not produce hardly in Turin. Another clear sign of how the head of the company is moving more and more overseas. It will be good for Italian workers? Who knows!


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