Wednesday, February 16, 2011

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was a long time I wanted to try my hand on the preparation of this simple and excellent almond cake and chocolate ... the Caprese! original note of the island of Capri ... (the recipe is the famous pastry chef Salvatore Rice with some modifications on the quantities of ingredients while of course, always the right proportions!)
I've prepared for Valentine's Day with lots of decoration in the shape of the heart ... well for a delightful evening of romance! Valentine was obviously just an excuse ... and then to be romantic and pamper yourself with a good pie is good ... every time!
The experiment is successful, the cake has come good, the decor was simple but very nice and my cake was gone in no time!
What are you waiting ... try it you too :-)

Also being a cake that does not contain flour , can also be enjoyed by those who are gluten intolerant!


  • 140 gr icing sugar
  • 140 g butter (I put 120)
  • 140 g dark chocolate 140 grams of almonds
  • 4 eggs 25 gr unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 12 grams of yeast (about 3 / 4 of a sachet)
  • 45 grams of starch
  • a pinch of salt
NB I used a mold of 24 cm cm ... actually came a bit 'Altino ... so I think the mix is \u200b\u200bcertainly enough to mold a more' high by 26 cm


  1. toasted almonds in oven at 140 degrees about 20 minutes later with a blender and chop coarsely chopped
  2. , always with the help of a mixer, or with just a knife, even dark chocolate
  3. at this point together in a bowl almonds and chopped chocolate, potato starch, baking powder and sifted cocoa and mix ... for good (1 photos )
  4. whip the egg whites adding a pinch of salt (2 photos )
  5. mounted in a bowl, the butter and powdered sugar (3 photos )
  6. add the egg yolks, one at a time (4 photos ), and slowly add the mixture di polveri preparata ( foto 5 )
  7. Per ultimo incorporate al composto, con gesti delicati dal basso verso l'alto, gli albumi ( foto 6 )
  8. Imburrate uno stampo da 26 cm e infarinatelo con un po' di fecola di patate (io utilizzo sempre una tortiera apribile, posiziono sul fondo un pezzo di carta da forno e imburro ed infarino leggermente solo i lati)
  9. versate il composto nello stampo ( foto 7 ), livellatelo ( foto 8 ) e infornate a 170° per 45 minuti...lasciate raffreddare la torta nello stampo...sformatela e spolveratela di zucchero a velo quando si sarĂ  completamente raffreddata

For decoration as in the photo:
I drew up a paper (or foil) the heart ... 'I cut and placed on the cake that I thoroughly dusted with icing sugar.
I then removed the heart of paper and finished with chocolate colored pads that I'm stuck using a little 'under each of melted chocolate!


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