Monday, February 7, 2011

The Artist Barbara Weber

"Rubbish", the new socket direct investigation. Why are we doing so evil?

impotence, anger, sorrow, deep sadness. These are some of the feelings that I've tried looking at this investigation. Sadness for a nation, not a country that only indicates a geographical location, which no longer exists, and that perhaps never existed, drowned among the abuses, the malpractice and mafioso attitude that affects all of us when we close our eyes for a fall of our society. The waste in Naples and Campania, the 'Ndrangheta in Calabria or the rich north and south of corruption fills the toxic waste, a problem that is not only restricted areas where there directly. They are the apotheosis of a failed nation, people who do not live more healthily. I have no more hope. Or rather, I would have, but rationally I do not see how we can fix this debacle that I repeat: All those are born and raised IN THIS COUNTRY OF SHIT. So to honor the 150th birthday of our beloved country.

Rai.TV Video - Taking Direct 2010 - Rubbish


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